3 Tips for Success with Global Career Author Mike Swigunski

Whether you’ve recently started your journey as an entrepreneur or you’re a seasoned veteran with multiple companies, you are always looking for ways to level up and become more successful. Owning a business gives you a sense of freedom and empowerment. Entrepreneurs make decisions for themselves, watch their creative visions come to life, and develop lasting relationships with other entrepreneurs, customers, and vendors.

Many entrepreneurs enjoy the freedom they have, including Mike Swigunski, a bestselling author, remote work leader, and founder of GlobalCareerBook.com. He shares some tips on how entrepreneurs can achieve this success.

Figure Out Your Why
simon Sinek, author of the book Find Your Why: A Practical Guide for Finding Purpose for You and Your Team writes that it is only when you understand your “why” that you’ll be more capable of pursuing the things that give you fulfillment. While this may not always be easy, it is definitely worth the challenge.

Figuring out your “why” or reason for getting up each day will fuel your success. It helps to bolster the discipline to keep going even when motivation may be lacking. “When compared to traditional entrepreneurs, I think some of my biggest differentiators are that I figured out my “why” or drive from an early age. This has helped me maintain a long-term vision that is fueled by much more than money.”

Mike shares that his biggest differentiator is his focus on impacting millions and his passion for helping others when compared with other traditional entrepreneurs.

Don’t Be Afraid to Stand Out
Entrepreneurs think differently than most people. They usually take the path that most avoid. While a majority of the world will choose to take the path of least resistance, most entrepreneurs deliberately decide to stand out by sometimes taking on complex financial challenges in the hope of being successful. Entrepreneurs who want to be successful must dare to be different.

Swigunski shares that being different has led him to form long-term business relationships. “I think my unconventional path in life has also provided me a unique perspective to help others, whether it’s with remote working or entrepreneurship. I always try to offer a unique value proposition regarding my businesses, so it’s a win-win for everyone involved. This has given me the ability to focus on long-term relationships
and customers since I am motivated by strong connections, even if it doesn’t always have short-term gains.”

Test and Validate Quickly

To be successful, entrepreneurs must avoid the trap of ‘Analysis Paralysis’. This refers to the need to constantly research and mull over an idea or concept but never taking it off the ground. This is the difference between successful entrepreneurs and the average individual. “I learned that it’s important to test and validate ideas as quickly as possible. I know some entrepreneurs that have spent years building their products or services before getting customers. My approach is always to build a minimum viable product and test it fast, which can save years of time and money,” shares Mike.

Succeeding as an entrepreneur will take years of work and lots of trial and error.However, the successful entrepreneur is the one who can grab onto opportunities and use tips like these to improve

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