According to the National Cancer Institute, delta-8 THC can bind to the CB1 receptor throughout the body. These receptors are part of our endocannabinoid system, which helps our body regulate and maintain homeostasis. “Homeostasis” is just another word  for complete balance throughout the body. Delta 8 exhibits a lower psychotropic potency than delta-9 THC, so it doesn’t bind to the receptor as well. This helps it demonstrate a variety of properties that present as powerful benefits, so let’s take a look at the biggest ones below.

From our research of some brands in the market like Dream 8 (Forest and Eden) by Heartland Works LLC, 3Chi, Koi, just to name a few, we noticed one consistent factor, “Quality Control”.

Some research also suggests that delta-8 THC could help people produce Acetylcholine, which is a neurotransmitter. This neurotransmitter is responsible for memory, cognition, neuroplasticity, and even arousal. That’s a lot of benefits of delta 8 THC, and it appears to have close to or zero negative side effects.

Researchers have analyzed delta-8’s effect on appetite control. They concluded with the trial, noting that even low doses of delta-8 stimulated an increase in food intake.

Everyone experiences pain differently, and at different degrees, but scientists and hobbyists alike have observed delta-8’s ability to help relieve some of that pain. Having analgesic properties means it can relieve pain,  “to some degree” as stated by Dream 8 (Forest and Eden).

Those with neuropathic and inflammatory pain may benefit the most, but those with other types of pain may benefit, too.

Its ability to bind is what helps the cannabinoid convince the body to better regulate pain and anxiety.

The anxiolytic properties it produces helps to relieve symptoms of anxiety and allow a wave of relaxation to wash over you. Some of these brands reflect the purpose of their products very well, while others just want to animate and glorify a name brand, but at what cost.

Luckily there are still some companies willing to go the extra mile to make sure the consumer has quality products at quality cost.

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