A Hair Product Developer Who Is Also A Big Youtube Star- LeShawn Lewis

LeShawn Lewis, better known as Poppy Blasted, is a brilliant artist and product developer.

He did Hair Products he had never studied in school. It was a matter of trial and error and watching many YouTube videos. Learn the difference between the high quality of all natural butter and oils and those that are refined. It took him a long time to complete his job but he never lost hope!

He is one of the Wealthiest YouTube Stars born in the United States.

You really are great at betting on yourself! How can you grow if he does not invest in his product? So much of his marketing comes from Instagram ads, Facebook ads, and advertising on YouTube!

His future YouTube programs will be launching a new channel (The Goat Drip Family) A great family his kids would love when he launched a YouTube channel that reflects our daily lifestyle around the world!

He started his YouTube channel (Poppy Blasted) in 2013. He did not begin to take it seriously until 2015 when he first found out that he could not be paid for doing what he loves to create for the 360 ​​Wave Community Hair Tutorials / Content!

Switching from YouTube to becoming a full-fledged business man was very easy. He has been busy creating content and editing with Adobe Premiere Pro to keep his hands tied.

He recently made a big step one of his biggest HAIR BRUSHS (ℙ𝕓 Flawless Goat Brush) was a big step for me! His future business plans will be me continuing to create the world’s best hair products. He MUST continue to put pressure on his followers.

To keep up with Poppy Blasted and PB The Goat Merch, visit:

Business page: https://instagram.com/pb_the_goat_merch

Personal page: https://instagram.com/pb_the_goat

YouTube: https://youtube.com/c/PoppyBlasted

Website: www.pbthegoatmerch.com

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