Achal Manchanda – Top digital marketers & Social media expert

The marketing industry is moving so fast that it’s difficult to stay up-to-date with all the latest trends and what’s really happening behind the scenes (Facebook Algorithm changes, New Google Ranking Factors, New Marketing Tools, etc).

Achal Manchanda is well known as a top social media expert and one of the top digital marketers in the world. He is always one step ahead with instagram strategies. If you are looking for innovative ways to drive traffic and build brand awareness online, Achal  always delivers.

A good marketer wanting to master his craft needs to run A/B tests, experiment with new tools, share his thoughts with the community, debate and learn from others while exploring numerous marketing venues.

He has been running popular meme pages on Instagram @fuddu_sperm, @just.hasley.things @wtfbhaifor years. He also owns a food blogging page @hey.delhi.

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