Alessa Berg’s human qualities that make her a commendable CEO

Businesses are built through pragmatism and practicality. However, the strength of growing a new company often stems from a passionate heart. Most successful CEOs and entrepreneurs have made their way to success by resorting to their emotional intelligence and human qualities, much like Alessa Berg. Resonating with the need for a greener and cleaner planet, she moved into the impact investment space and built her well-known company Top Tier Impact from scratch.

When it comes to leadership, Berg comments, “I think every leader has a responsibility to do their best to show up authentically and to lead by example. That also requires vulnerability. This is what builds bridges and moves mountains.” What does it take to turn all of that into Top Tier Impact?

While exploring the concept of sustainability in business and embracing a sustainable lifestyle, Berg realized, “The more aligned we can be within ourselves, the more positive our external contribution can become. I find self-acceptance a powerful tool for removing judgment towards myself or others and for being able to act out of love and courage.”

Berg has transformed love and courage into action. Top Tier Impact is making a sizable contribution to the global impact and sustainability sector. These rapidly growing fields have benefitted from the synergies that Top Tier Impact has been generating for its members, clients and stakeholders.

Alessa Berg advocates free thinking and value alignment in order to live one’s life with purpose and satisfaction. In a digital and fast-paced world that is more connected than ever, we’ve also grown apart. Impact investing brings forth a new paradigm, where values like empathy and respect for the planet, people and communities are embedded in the way that business gets done.

Top Tier Impact brings together investors, entrepreneurs and corporate leaders who have already embedded these values into the way they operate. Impact investing is growing rapidly all around the world. With more than 45 countries already included in its ecosystem, Top Tier Impact is at the forefront of positive change. Alessa Berg and her farsighted objectives are revolutionizing industrial thinking in today’s day and age.

Derek Robins: