Building A Social Following With Phillip Chase Collins

Here’s how a large social media following can help your business – and how to build that following.

In this day and age, being able to build a following as an entrepreneur is tantamount to success. Not only does having an owned audience allow you to post ads you’d otherwise have to spend thousands on deploying, but it can also be used as a strong networking tool. I spoke to Chase Collins, a 22-year-old Instagram mogul who has built pages with millions of followers, to learn what kind of tactics he uses to build such massive followings. 

What Is the Best Advice You Can Give Our Readers on Gaining a Following?

Chase Collins: The most important thing I can teach is to not take the quick payout to make a few bucks. Instead, always look to the future and plan out your moves in advance so you are already a few steps ahead of the game. An example of this is, when you are growing a following on Instagram, you can easily monetize your audience from the beginning and make a few dollars; but, the problem with that is that your account gets saturated and you lose your loyal followers, which is what the account would be built on.
Instead, what you should do is avoid posting advertisements at the beginning. Instead, grow your account out, gain a large loyal follower base, and then post a few advertisements here and there. This will make you more money because of how many more followers you will have, as well as having more engagement per post because your account will not be as saturated.

What Kind of Perks Come With Having a Large Audience?

The biggest perk for me would be being able to advertise my own web stores for free instead of having to pay someone else to do it for me.

Another large perk that comes with having a large audience would be the experience it gives you for future careers in marketing, and even how to influence people in general.

The last perk I have experienced, which is likely the most apparent one, is the money.

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