$CBD Coin is Winning Hearts with its “Heal The World, Holistically” Mission

Contrary to popular belief, the cryptocurrency industry is not just focused on mining coins and making digital currency mainstream. The sector is creating footprints in other industries by enabling people to transact and benefit from crypto trading. According to the founders of $CBD Coin, their involvement in charity is part of their long-term efforts to revolutionize the industry’s future.

$CBD Coin is a cryptocurrency that is built around changing the industry for the better. It is the world’s first charity coin that donates CBD products to those who cannot afford natural medicine for their ailments. It is also working in the agricultural industry to help CBD farmers as part of its mission to heal the world holistically.

CBD has proven instrumental in treating various ailments and is a much-preferred alternative to medicine by scores of people globally. With its legal inclusion in foods and dietary supplements, cannabidiol is helping treat the world.

As a first of its kind, $CBD Coin focuses on its humanitarian efforts while keeping its position in the cryptocurrency realm on an upward climb in recent years. With so many people benefiting from crypto, $CBD Coin is dedicated to ensuring that even people who don’t know the industry can benefit from it. During phase 3, the company will connect with CBDOil.com to allow crypto payments using $CBD Coin.

$CBD Coin trades in tokens, and with 2 billion tokens in circulation, the crypto company is making headway in the industry. Every coin has a 9% transaction cost, and this is divided into 3% segments each for marketing, liquidity profile, and charity funds. The company will limit funds going to charity at 5% in the future.

$CBD Coin is especially vigilant about pump and dump schemes that jeopardize their efforts towards helping the less fortunate. $CBD Coin’s path is just beginning to open up. With 1000+ holders and a solid outline of their utilities, $CBD Coin’s dedication to their mission is apparent.

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