“Challenges only make us stronger,” says a success story and an iconic public figure Diana Gerrard.


Her passion for her work and her commitment to keep moving ahead in her journey helped her thrust forward in her chosen niches.

Having the strong vision to achieve specific goals in life is one thing, but having the courage and the grit to do that, walking on unconventional roads, hustling and learning something new each day, and putting all of that into action to turn those visions into a reality is a different game altogether. People who belong to the latter category are those who surrender to their dreams and make sure to challenge themselves at every step of the way to get to the next level of success in their careers. Diana Gerrard, who did the same in her career as a top iconic public figure in the fashion events and PR world, proved how success could be achieved at any stage in one’s life, even when things seem out of reach.

She is a high-performing Founder/Chief Executive Officer of DLK Fashion Shows, President/National Director of many beauty pageants , entrepreneur, speaker, charity ambassador, Emirate’s Business Woman Council, and an international producer who made sure to persevere each day and never lose hope in her journey, no matter what. Speaking on the same, she states, “Challenges are an inevitable part of everyone’s journey in this world, but if people try and adopt an optimistic mindset and outlook, they will realize how these challenges only come in their lives to make them stronger.”

In her life, she saw umpteen numbers of such challenges, highlighting how coming thus far in her endeavours was not an easy ride for her. However, her experiences taught her that everything in life is only temporary and that people don’t own anything in this world. She learned that when people stop depending on things and people, their life changes 360 degrees and for the better.

There is so much that Diana Gerrard (@diana_gerrard_new) has already done in her career and so much more she wishes to do in the coming years in the Middle East region with several exciting new projects of hers, for which she will speak at the right time.

Derek Robins: