Chris Kidd Talks About Financial Literacy As A Solution To Many Problems

Author of the book Defeating Debt shares how financial literacy can help.

Financial literacy is not taught in the books at school. The schools are teaching how to do the math of numbers but they are not teaching the art of managing your finances. Money management is an important contributing factor to one’s overall well-being. But for that one should keep a track of what they are doing with their money and why? There are various books available that can help you become financially literate but the author of Defeating Debt, Chris Kidd, shares how gaining financial education can help you a lot.

Chris Kidd was only 19 years old when he was mentored by a millionaire. His main source of learning was from his mentor, books, and some other experts. Chris used to work at a job which he left at the age of 20 and ever since then he has been his own boss. At such a young age, Chris saved around half a million and partnered with a restaurant along with his mentor that later grew into 16 branches. This showed him that clearly he is someone who is good at managing money and his friends and near ones suggested that he should impart this knowledge to others as well. That was the beginning of Chris’ story into the financial coaching industry.

From the beginning of his career, Chris knew he was not someone to be bossed around. Also, he sees that financial coaching can save families as well. All the disputes that arise in a family are mostly because of the money crunch and if Chris could be someone who can help a person in managing their money and get control of their personal life, he would be happy to be that person. He believes that if he can help people in eliminating the financial stress of their life, people will live a longer, happier, and healthier life.

But when someone like Chris comes into the market as a coach, existing advisors are bound to see him as a threat who might steal their clients away and cause harm to their reputation. Here, Chris’ idea was simple. He moved forward with a crystal clear approach of just educating people. Hence, he started sending across the newsletter to his audience and that was like a forest fire for him. His tips and tricks worked for people and it kept spreading with more and more audiences which built him a community. From there, he picked up speaking events as well where he helped people in developing financially and gaining confidence.

The single motivation that begins Chris’ journey is that he wants people to enjoy their lives. He wants to provide people with the necessary tools that can help them to be financially free, physically fit and have healthier relationships. If you want to embark upon your journey, check out Chris’ website and subscribe to his mailing list and see if you can feel a change in your life.

Derek Robins: