D-Block Artists Styles P & Sheek Louch Co-Sign Trillest Ent

Trillest Entertainment is the most connected and respected publicity firm in the music industry, working with 10k+ artists annually all over the world. Trillest Ent. distinguishes themselves from others by providing the largest selection of major media outlets for artists to get their music featured on. Founded from the ground up through his love for hip-hop and marketing, Anthony combined his two passions and created what the world knows today as Trillest Entertainment.

Having been in the music business for more than 10+ years, Anthony developed personal connections with some of the most influential artists, media outlets, and industry leaders. This is evident in the high volume of business they do, working with 10,000+ artists annually and having access to hundreds of major hip hop magazines, blogs, and websites. 

According to Anthony, “many artists today lack a dedicated team of highly experienced professionals that fully support their musical endeavors and vision, Trillest Entertainment fufills this need”.

If you are looking to gain global exposure for your music, Trillest Ent. has the experience, resources, knowledge, and most importantly, connections. All of which they use to mobilize and facilitate the advancement of your music career. Partnering with them gets you worldwide listeners, new fans, more streams, higher numbers, and increased SEO and search results, all of which are essential for monetizing your music and turning it into a career.

While the world is suffering from the pandemic, Anthony, the CEO of @TrillestEnt continues to grow and expand his thriving digital global empire. The CEO said his company will be launching a new magazine called 2Trill Mag which will be dropping real soon! When asked how he feels about everything he’s accomplished, Anthony said, “this is only the beginning and the sky’s the limit”.

Trillest Ent. continues to dominate the music industry. All artists looking to get their music global exposure should contact them today!

Derek Robins: