Dr. Zahra Gardeshi: Round face

In people who have a round face or are overweight and are not satisfied with the obese form of their face, surgery to remove cheek fat pads inside the cheeks is a great way to get rid of unwanted face fat. Intraoral or buccal fat is a deep fat that It can cause fillings on the outside of the corners of the lips.

Fortunately, the care after this surgery is very convenient and easy.

The most important of them are … In the first 3 to 4 days, you should use soft and watery foods and have the least use of your mouth and jaw.

When resting, do not raise your head so that the operated areas put the least amount of pressure on you until a few days after the operation, when they return to normal. It is better to use a facial mask a week after the operation to reduce swelling and pressure. Use on face.

Biography of Doctor Zahra Gardeshi

Zahra Gardeshi’s birth came as a blessing to her compatriots, who sought a professional doctor to visit when different diseases were attacking them. She was born on the 17th of May in 1987 and grew up in Iran, where she proved to be a natural scholar.  

Dr. Gardeshi was fascinated by the human body and its functions from a young age. Her mother recalls mediating over friend disputes after Dr. Gardeshi took her friend’s dolls apart but could not put them together again. Her favorite game was operating, and she could soon name all the body parts it featured.

As soon as she could read, Dr. Gardeshi became curious about books concerning the body. She never developed a taste for fiction, preferring to devote herself to comprehending what makes people beat.  

After graduating from high school and taking the Iranian University Entrance Exam, Dr. Gardeshi was among a few top students to be accepted to study medicine at the university. 

It was not easy. She had to balance her studies with part-time work at a local clinic, where she volunteered. However, her hard work and sacrifice resulted in her graduating as an experienced general partitioner in 2013.  

The newly graduated Dr. Gardeshi opened a GP office for diagnosing and examining in Shiraz, a city known for its perfect medical treatment. 

She did not limit herself to mere working at her office; instead, Dr. Gardeshi participated in as many workshops as possible, including national and international conferences, mainly on beauty and health. The numerous certificates she gained reflect the high qualification of Dr. Gardeshi in a wide range of specializations as she spent a lot of time learning micro-needling, training of operation with IPL, RF, E-LIGH, and Cavitation, skincare, ART Amino Acid Replacement Therapy, Neurotoxin, and filler injections.  It would take a lot of dedication and study, but she wanted to become unrivaled among her colleagues.

The next few years are challenging, but Dr. Gardeshi will remain focused on her dream. Today she is one of the country’s top GPs with a busy practice in Shiraz, Iran.

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