EBZ Images works with celebrity star Ana Montana. Ana Montana supports EBZ Images clothing brand “Rico Marceline”

Ana Montana - EBZ Images

EBZ Images is working with the famous celebrity and star Ana Montana for the promotion of their clothing brand Rico Marceline.

Ana Montana (real name Analicia Chaves) is an American model. She was born in New Bedford, Massachusets and graduated from Bedford High School in 2008. She became known to the world when she was spotted on the arm of Real Madrid soccer player Karim Benzema. Since then she has been in several hip hop videos with Flo Rida and Rick Ross among others.

Rico Marceline is a fashion clothing line started by Erick Emmanuel, CEO of EBZ Images. Currently, their collection consists of cool T-shirts for Men and Women.

The vision here is to merge his photography brand, clothing brand and the goal is to identify upcoming talent and make them famous, say the CEO of the EBZ Images Company.

To connect with EBZ Images or the Rico Marceline clothing brand, and to view their latest work or clothing items, please visit their respective Instagram channels at @ebzimages and @ricomarceline.

About Erick Emmanuel

Erick Emmanuel is an award-winning, professional photographer whose work focuses on fashion and portraiture. Inspired by celebrity photographer Patrick Demarchelier, Emmanuel’s work across the industry has quickly produced a global brand working with leading talent in cities across the world.

For more information on Erick’s work, to get in touch regarding employment opportunities, or to just say hello, contact Emmanuel here.

Website: www.erickemmanuelphotography.com

Dennis Golden: