Entrepreneur Erick Alvarez finds success with a problem-solving approach, finding opportunities amid adversity

Most business ideas come from a place of adversity. When faced with challenges, entrepreneurs often seek to fix them, finding solutions for the problem instead of just walking away. While it can be difficult to face challenges head-on, all visionaries agree that it was the adversity that pushed them to do better and credit it for their success. Influencer and entrepreneur Erick Alvarez believes that the secret to being a successful entrepreneur is about seeking opportunities amidst adversity.

Born in Miami, Erick is the CEO and founder of Big Clout Media, a marketing and consulting firm focused on online fitness businesses and influencers. Big Clout Media partners with fitness influencers and helps create their base, grow their following, and monetize their platform. “As fitness content continued to become more popular, we found that a lot of influencers were struggling to scale their training businesses,” says Erick. “That is when I got the idea to create Big Clout Media. I saw a problem in the digital world regarding fitness and was confident I could solve it.Big Clout Media essentially helps influencers garner strong earnings, with a done-for-you business approach.”

E​rick saw the opportunity social media presented to fitness experts through digital products. As the world continues to prioritize digital content, many influencers rushed to get their platforms online and faced rising challenges from creating the right content to streamlining their branding. “Getting your personal brand online is a challenge. It takes a lot of work, and unfortunately, too many people give up before they even get started,” explains Erick. “The truth is as you run a business, the environment changes, and a successful entrepreneur will adapt to that.”

B​elieving that a challenge is simply an opportunity hiding in plain sight, Erick understands that intuition combined with innovation puts entrepreneurs on the victorious side of those challenges creating businesses that deliver solutions their clients are looking for. “If you’ve figured out a way to fix a problem, you’re moving in the right direction,” says Erick. “Continue to build from that and never walk away from a challenge. Adversity holds all the keys when it comes to success.”

From an anxious college kid to a successful business owner Erick understands what it is like to face adversity firsthand, and he refused to let it hold him back. Erick explains, “Difficulties will always come up in our lives. The question we have to ask ourselves is, will we let them hold us back?” By building a business that helps build up others, Erick has turned adversity into something very profitable revolutionizes the fitness industry online.

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