First Date Skin Care Tips

First dates can be overwhelming, especially if you are an introvert and it takes you a while before you actually go ahead and go out on a date with someone you like. There could be about a zillion thoughts that will run through your mind just before you go out on your date and you will doubt yourself. However, that doesn’t mean you hold back and do something just because you think that’s what social convention dictates. In case you are worried about what you need to do in order to look your best on your first date then here are a few tips that will help you look good and feel confident without trying to please someone.

Don’t Over Do The Makeup

When you meet a guy for the first time he wants to see the real you, flaws and all. Wearing too much makeup usually gives guys the wrong impression that you have bad skin or you’re trying to hide a skin condition from them. They also tend to believe you will be high maintenance and take a longer time to get dressed in case you have future dates planned. When going out on your first date try to keep the makeup to the bare minimum. A little lipstick, blush on and kohl or eyeliner should do the trick. If you’re too worried about your skin looking dull and lifeless then you can try the best vitamin c serum for oily skin that will nourish your skin and give it a beautiful glow even if you have had absolutely no time for skincare. This will help you to keep your skin free of makeup and still feel confident.

Keep It Casual

When going out on your first date the last thing you want is to try too hard to impress your date. One of the best things to do is to dress casually without going overboard. Always remember to dress for the occasion. Most first dates are coffee dates so you may want to try and look casual without giving the impression that you are underdressed either. You can always keep a timeless serum in your bag to touch up your face in case you feel it is a little dry.

Flaunt The Skin On Your Face Not Your Body

When you are out on a date for the first time the last thing you want to do is hide the real you. Instead of exposing too much of your skin by wearing skimpy clothes, you may want to try and show your natural beauty by exposing your true face.

A lot of women are conscious about the way they look and they believe that they have a lot of flaws that need to be covered up. The truth is with a little care and the right skin care products you can have beautiful skin that looks amazing even with little flaws here and there. The matrixyl 3000 is an amazing skincare product that not only helps you to feel confident going without makeup but it also gives you a beautiful skin tone with firm youthful skin.

Ida Taylor: