Fortel partner’s with leading charities for great causes

The Fortel Group is a manpower provider in the industry of construction and civil engineering in the U.K and beyond. We provide sub-contract work and manpower services to commercial, hotel, rail sectors, roads, and highways. Also, we are the only provider for both external and internal concrete floors in the U.K, the reason why we were singled out as the best performing business in the country in recent years by Deloitte’s Futures 1000.

Fortel transport bespoke pre-briefed teams to the site directly, to hit the ground digging and ensure a higher productivity delivery using fewer resources. We save you time and money in the construction of bridges, motorways, health centres, supermarkets and shopping malls throughout your project life.

As a business, Fortel is happy for the support of various charity initiatives offered by the community which has seen our success this far. In celebration of our success, we have partnered with just giving groups to help support the community.

The “SHELTER” group helps support people who are at the risk of homelessness to make sure there is a home for everyone. For instance, the group organized an. Besides, the company in conjunction with Dalaston Football Club, hosted a Macmillan Coffee morning on 24th November 2018 where we provided Drinks and cakes, a variety of handcrafted goods for sale whereby all this money was taken to Macmillan Cancer support charity.

The Macmillan Cancer support gives cancer needy people with the support they need to live a life fully as they can. We are planning to raise 100 pounds to provide benefits advice so that the people living with cancer may get the best deals possible.

Furthermore, the Fortel staffs, Friends and Family have planned to ride their bicycles from Birmingham to Bath to help raise money for some great charities to the “Prince Trust”. “The Princess Trust” helps young people to develop their confidence and skills they need to realize their ambitions so that they may live, learn and earn. The Birthmark support group offers advice and support to people with birthmarks and their family.

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Ingrid Hudson: