From food lovers wanting to save local establishments to building a thriving digital marketing company FloridaYum, the founders have come a long way

They have also excelled at promoting the unique food culture on social media through their fastest Florida foodie page.

It is essential to throw more light on the journeys of a few people to understand how they went ahead in building successful brands and businesses. It is important to talk about the many bold choices and risks they took to reach where they are today and what really motivated them to enter their chosen industries. We saw how swiftly a certain digital marketing agency grew in Florida named FloridaYum and also noticed how the founders, greatly inspired by food, created social media pages to take forward the food culture of the state across the world. These founders were food lovers who would often go out to their favourite Taco Tuesday place in Boca Raton to enjoy food and their company. However, declining sales and low customer volume made many of such local food places to shut shops.

This motivated them to start a business leveraging the power of social media and the whole of the digital space to build a digital marketing agency to help thrive local food places and other businesses, and that is how FloridaYum was created. Today, it is growing as a unique full-service digital marketing agency thriving on unique digital strategies that produce real, tangible results for businesses online.

On asking them what makes them unique, the team says that they look beyond making revenues or materialistic gains as they want to be known as people who started with nothing and now help local businesses do more than stand on their own two feet. They help them come back stronger to grow into their most successful selves while the team grows together recognition-wise, network-wise, and financially-wise.

They have tried to optimize social media by creating pages to promote the food culture and outlets of Florida. One of the founders had started with a foodie page in Las Vegas, and its incredible success, gaining over 200K followers, motivated them to start a Florida foodie page, which now has become the most successful foodie page in Florida with a mammoth of followers.

The team’s next goal is to grow its social media and help small businesses flourish and expand. Till then, follow it on Instagram @floridayum and visit its website,

Johnny Depp: