From Snacks to Desserts This Holiday Season, Try These 5 Healthier Exchanges

The holidays are approaching, and the new year will arrive in a few days. Everyone is preparing to say goodbye to the previous year and welcome the new one as the holiday spirit takes hold. People sit down at this time of year to assess their achievements and make resolutions for the upcoming year. Happiness and health go hand in hand. For a healthier new year, we have to make the decision to take control of our health at the outset of the year and make a commitment to eating healthily.

in contact with MyThali, Arogya World’s nutrition consultant, Dr. Meghanna Pasi Enjoy the holidays and New Year’s Eve, but think twice before switching up your diet. Select meals that are high in fiber and micronutrients, low in sugar and sodium, and rich in healthy fats and lean proteins. These substitutions can have a significant impact and help control weight, enhance digestion, lower the risk of chronic illnesses, and establish a healthy eating habit over time.

Try these nutritious meal substitutions this holiday season:

Steamed or baked snacks are a better option than fried ones since baking uses less oil during the cooking process and helps preserve more nutrients in the food. Baking is also considered a healthier option. There are less calories and fats when less oil is used. However, deep-frying calls for a lot of oil or ghee, which increases the dish’s fat content and calorie density. Opt for baked gujiyas or samosas rather than fried ones. Select steaming momos and idli over bajjis and bondas, or medu vada with fried momos.

Instead of deep-frying fritters and samosas, consider grilling or stir-frying paneer, bell peppers, baby corn, mushrooms, broccoli, carrots, and sweet potatoes. These are healthier cooking techniques. These provide a prolonged period of satiety and are high in fiber and vitamins. These cooking techniques lessen the intake of harmful fats and unnecessary calories found in deep-fried foods.

Select nutritious treats and sweets: Skip the ice cream and opt for frozen fruit yogurt instead.

Instead of brownies or plum cake, consider trying avocado shrikhand or apple-oat kheer. Apples and oats are high in fiber, whereas avocados are abundant in minerals and monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs). Oats can help diabetics control their blood sugar levels. Choose a honey-dipped bar of handmade almonds and dates over cookies that are packed with sugar. Nuts are high in monounsaturated fat, which can lower cholesterol, as well as vitamins and minerals. Dates are rich in iron and soluble fiber. Select fruit salads over pastries. Citrus fruits contribute to the development of immunity, and fruits in general are rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber.

Add millet to your snacks and confections: Start using millet in your cuisine this new year. Pick up some jowar kesari, bajri vada, jowar pongal, and ragi laddu.

In addition to being high in calcium and iron, ragi is also high in vital amino acids and dietary fiber. Jowar is a rich source of minerals like copper, magnesium, phosphorus, and selenium as well as a strong source of protein and dietary fiber. Because they can reduce hyperglycemia and blood glucose levels, millets are a great diet for diabetics.

Select snacks made with wheat flour as opposed to maida:Because whole wheat flour has a lower glycemic index than maida, diabetics will have a slower and less severe surge in blood sugar. Refined wheat flour, or maida, is devoid of all necessary nutrients and fiber. Therefore, choose whole-wheat pizza rather than regular pizza made with maida, chapatis rather than maida parathas, and whole-wheat flour cookies rather than maida cookies.

Sanchita Patil: