Gabriel Maia: Taking the industry of photography to much greater heights with a passionate mind

Gabriel has created his unique way to success as a photographer through his creativity, business sense and photography skills.

Photography has only been around for around 200 years, but in that period it has progressed from the primitive process of using chemicals to the much simpler methods we use today. Over the last few years, there has been a steady increase in demand for photographers, especially those with digital photography, editing, and retouching skills. Many photographers, on the other hand, have been leveraging the industry since its inception and are well-known for their photographic abilities. Gabriel Maia is one such ace photographer who has left no stone unturned in his quest to become a success story in the photography industry.

Gabriel has had an interest in photography since he was a teenager. His enthusiasm for art led him to purchase his first photography device at the age of seventeen: an Olympus OM-2, which was considered the most expensive and sophisticated photography camera at the time. He began by photographing football games as well as nature in locations such as Oregon’s Crater Lake National Park. With the advent of technology, he soon ventured into the world of digital photography. With experience and years of hard-work in this field, he invested and began using premium brands like Canon and Fuji for digital photography. Gabriel claims he’s got heaps of negatives from his first camera that he’s still protected.

With years of experience, he has traveled to several locations with his daughter, Rosiane, to capture some of the best pictures. Both Brazilian father and daughter are enthusiastic about photography, and they fly to multiple locations to find natural environments. Gabriel finds his life to be complete while he is traveling with his daughter and camera, taking beautiful photos of nature. He claims that the beauty of nature has been his key to success so far, because nothing, in his experience, compares to the beauty of the natural world, however some of his most well-received photos have also been city portraits.

All the journeys to find the best images and places deepened and created new opportunities and bond for Gabriel and Rosiane. Gabriel continues to captivate and inspire the world with his mesmerising and unique photography, whether it’s capturing scenes in busy towns, images of serene landscapes, or fashion portraits of Rosiane.

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