Gifts to Get for The Second Baby Shower Party

When your friend throws a baby shower party, you will need to consider a few factors before deciding on the gift to get.  One of the most important factors is whether the child is the first child or not.  If the child is the first child, there is an endless list of gifts to consider, because the first-time parents will require any items for a baby.

When your friend is expecting a second or third baby, they will have some items from their first child, which they can recycle for their second baby.  Depending on the age of their first child, the items that they can recycle include toys, new-born cloths and some gear such as stroller, crib and diaper bag.

However, there are some items which they still require because they cannot be recycled.  These items include diapers, muslin cloth, baby wipes and towels.  If their first child is between one to two-year-old, they will need another crib, a double stroller and a bigger or another diaper bag.

Below is a list of gifts that you can get for a baby shower party, which includes gifts for second babies that you can buy for the baby shower party, be it the practical items that were shared earlier, or list of items listed below.

  1. Clothes

Clothes are the most ideal gift for any child, even if the gift is for a second baby shower.

This is because if the gender of the second child is different from the first child, clothes will be the most ideal gift to get.  This is because there will be minimal hand-me-downs for the second baby due to design and colour.  You may even consider buying a parent and child matching set, which make great family photo and hence suitable for a second baby shower.

  • Milestone Journal

It is always great to document milestones of a baby during the growing up years, as this is the best way to preserve the fond memories.  

A milestone journal which allows you to customise the page with few lines and even a picture and photo, allows you to celebrate every milestone in memory.

This is also suitable for a second baby shower, as every child will have their own unique milestone journal.  When the baby grows up, the child will be touched to see the painstaking efforts made by the parents to do up this journal, building closer bond.

  • Food Related gifts

Food is a staple gift, which is suitable for all occasions, including a baby shower party.  Having a baby takes up a lot of the parents’ time.  Subscription boxes which contain pre-cooked meals of a gourmet food basket containing snacks and chocolates made great gift.

The above gifts will bring a smile to the parents.

Josh Donohue: