Heidi Grey’s Journey From Waitress To Webcam Superstar

Everyone who loves their lives in a job that gives them passion and fulfillment typically has something in common: they each had to overcome challenges and a variety of surprising twists and turns to reach where they are today.

As a popular online webcam and adult personality, Heidi Grey (@heidigreytv) is an everyday girl with love for the wild side. Though she started out working jobs to get by, her introduction to the world of the webcamming and adult film began in a place nobody would expect.

We recently sat down with Heidi to learn more about her path to online stardom and what it takes to make it in the tough and competitive online adult industry.

So, tell us about your life before becoming an online adult star?

“Well, even though I’m still young, I’ve actually worked at five “normal” jobs. Starting in high school, I worked here and there to make money while in school, mostly at restaurants – places that most high school students can find jobs. It was honestly the best experience I could have had growing up!”

What led you to get into the adult film and webcam scene?

“So, there was a time when I was working for a tile company selling tiles and slabs to designers and builders. Now THAT was hard work – sales is so much harder than working in restaurants! But I started to realize pretty quickly that I actually enjoyed the sales side of things – convincing others that I had something that they needed.”

“When I worked at the tile company, I had already dipped my toe in webcamming. That was actually one of my biggest insecurities – the fact that someone at work might recognize me from my online videos!”

That doesn’t seem to have stopped you! How did you overcome that fear?

“Eventually, I had a serious revelation about my life. Normal jobs just weren’t going to cut it for me.”

“Here’s the truth: I’m a pretty weird person with a fun extra personality. Being myself made me feel like an outcast in those professional business jobs. I wanted to create, and I wanted to be known for something bigger and beautiful than I was doing! So I quit as soon as they asked me to work weekends!”

Do you love what you do now? Do you receive any strange requests from your fans?

“I get a lot of requests that might surprise you – but hey, if people are willing to pay, I’m willing to deliver! There will always be a strange request or two out there, but I haven’t reached the point of desperation where I’m going to put out a video that is too crazy… yet!”

Heidi is continuing to revolutionize the online webcamming world with her creative and sexy content. To learn more about Heidi Grey and see more of her online content, follow her online at HeidiGrey.com and @heidixgrey or @heidigreytv!

Patricia Alice: