How have success on Instagram – with Manuela Fantini

What’s the secret to being successful on Instagram nowadays ?

Definitely to understand why we use our profile: what is our purpose on social media? What is our market niche or to what kind of people do we target our content, and to whom could it be worthwhile? Then it takes a lot of attention to the aesthetic part (Instagram is still the photographic social media par excellence), even the eye wants its part! Finally, it is necessary to have a lot of consistency in posting and interacting with other people because we must never forget that social networks are born to socialize and connect with other people.

Any secrets to having a great looking profile?

A short introductory course in photography and post-production for photos is undoubtedly beneficial to start, as well as graphics and publication schemes can help give an idea of care and professionalism to our account.As for the rest, creativity and passion in sharing what we love are the masters!

How important is it to have your own style to differentiate yourself from the competitors ?

It depends! There are beautiful and very trendy accounts, with perfectly homogeneous colors, which have nothing to say or give other than a nice photo. In contrast, others less “cool” know how to excite and be helpful and valuable for their audience. It is a simple communication and strategic choice on social media; there is no fixed rule.

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