How Scott Hughes Turned His Passion For Education Into One Of The Most Prominent Online Reading Communities

Scott Hughes, a homegrown CT man realized the importance and need for a vast reading community at the young age of 19 years old. He used this to implement his own network of over 2 million people that caters to every walk of life. With his website Online Book Club for Readers, Hughes uses several variables to make reading and writing seamless for his users. As an author of 4 successful books himself, he understands what exactly authors and readers want. For a reader, access to free books in exchange for honest reviews is what sets apart from its competitors. For authors, its feedback and discourse between readers about the literature. Combining all of these creates a mutualistic relationship between the reader and writer, which is the most important thing for Hughes and his team. has a consumer rating of 4.93 and it consists of an e-reading app to store books, a forum for readers to discuss literature, and professional reviews, making it completely different than its competition. With their review team, not only is the reader getting quality reading options, but the author is getting reach and notability. A reviewer of the site Lisa T says “I have been working for since June. This is a great company to work for. You pick out a book from the selected list. You read and then write a review. Then after you get paid. Will continue with this company for a long time.”

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