How to grow on Instagram in 2020: tips from Liran Mizrahi

If you want to grow on Instagram, you need to learn from the experts and follow their steps. And in the world of digital marketing, among the experts there are also the much-discussed influencers. Maybe it’s the foreign term that generates so much skepticism, maybe it’s the fact that so many call themselves influencers without really being one, or maybe it’s because it’s still hard for some to understand how you can go viral with things that are often branded as “young people stuff.” The influencer, in any case, is a person skilled in communication who has studied how social media works and uses it to grow their account, creating viral content that can engage a large audience and create a long-term relationship with followers.

If you, too, want to grow your Instagram profile, you can’t shy away from looking at how influencers in your industry are doing. While there’s no magic formula for social (between new platforms and changing algorithms), listening to what these people have to say when they talk about Instagram Growth is definitely helpful – and that’s exactly what we’re going to do today.

The influencer Liran Mizrahi explains in an interview his tricks to grow on Instagram

Why is Instagram a unique social network?

  • It’s completely mobile
  • It’s based on visual design
  • It’s virtually link-free

The Elements of Success

To be successful on Instagram, it’s not enough to just randomly post beautiful images and photos. On the contrary, you need to:

  • Have a clear vision on goals and strategy
  • Publish with a constant frequency
  • Be familiar with your followers
  • Have a well-defined style guide
  • Combining all these ingredients you have the possibility to reach your audience in a direct and focused way, to increase their interest, to increase brand awareness and to see impressive results in the return of investment.

Combining all these ingredients you have the possibility to reach your audience in a direct and focused way, to increase their interest, to increase brand awareness and to see impressive results in the return of investment.

Follow Liran on Instagram .

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