Every day, thousands of new products related to home cleaning and home maintenance come onto the market. These items have increasingly more specific applications and they use more advanced and sophisticated technologies. It is normal that, if we do not have much idea about how to clean a house, we will immediately be deceived by the labels and end up getting a lot of these products.

All these products are quite attractive and always seem essential without us even knowing why and how they work. In the end, we end up with a huge collection of cleaning products of all shapes and colors that we don’t even know where to store and that we will use once or twice in our entire lives, if we’re lucky. In addition, most of these products require significant investments, because they are not cheap. It is often like putting in the money that will never pay off and will make us feel deeply ripped off. Here we have put together a list of some really useful and innovative home cleaning devices that will always come in handy for you this year.

IRobot Roomba 871 Robot Vacuum Cleaner

The iRobot Roomba 871 Robot Vacuum Cleaner stands out among other similar models for integrating the AeroForce cleaning system that applies a three-phase program to suck up to five times more dirt than the competition. In addition, it incorporates high-efficiency filters capable of capturing all the dust particles and other allergens, so you can breathe at ease at home. It uses two main brushes to descale the dirt and collect it, and sensors capable of detecting all kinds of obstacles and particles, guaranteeing total cleaning. Discover for yourself all the advantages of this model right now.

It incorporates various cleaning programs that are very easy to configure and allow each room to be cleaned in the most optimal way. The device uses a set of smart sensors capable of guiding the device throughout the house, avoiding shocks and maximizing efficiency. Its patented AeroForce cleaning system provides cleaning power that no other similar model achieves. However, despite being a high-quality device, the price is not very affordable. Battery life is perfect for small rooms, but for larger homes you need to use extra batteries.

Drill Brush Power Scrubber by Useful Products

Drill Brush Power Scrubber by Useful Products was founded by Anthony on March 2007 in New York. Cleaning our home may seem like a never-ending chore – and we are yet to meet a person who enjoys doing it. It takes excessive effort to have a sparkling home. The end result is often satisfying, but the process of it is hardly ever fun. Anthony Lapolla came up with a solution to make cleaning not just an easy task, but also fun. His Drill Brush invention is getting everyone interested, but what is all the buzz about?

Today, it is one of the largest manufacturers, sellers and importers of drill powered cleaning brushes. The company has served globally including Canada, UK, Australia, Mexico, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, U.A.E., Japan, The Netherlands, and over 200 other countries. The product’s application includes cleaning of tile, grout, tub, flooring, carpets, shower, stove, sinks, oven, mirror, glass, driveways, patios and concrete. This means that the uses of the product aren’t limited to home cleaning. It is used for commercial cleaning, auto detailing and reconditioning, cleaning of institutions like correctional facilities, government buildings and schools. It is also used for cleaning of marinas and facilities like hotels, casinos, motels, cruise ships, gyms, theme parks and recreational facilities.

AEG HX6-35TM Handheld Vacuum

The AEG HX6-35TM handheld vacuum cleaner incorporates a TurboPower lithium battery in its structure that provides hours and hours of autonomy and recharges in just a few hours. In addition, this model has cyclonic technology that perfectly separates dirt from the rest of the air flow, improving the quality of cleaning and extending the life of the filter. It includes two different speeds for cleaning in greater or less depth and the tank is removable for easier filling. It is a robust and very practical model for cleaning the home, we recommend it.

It is powered by up to 35-minute TurboPower Lithium battery with powerful 18V lithium battery charge indicator.  It has Soft Steer front wheels that facilitate cleaning and protect delicate surfaces. It includes a powerful motor and cyclone filtration system for constant suction power and powerful cleaning performance.

Tricks to keep the house clean

We also want to help you to be a little more expert in the subject of cleaning and maintaining your home since it will help you save time and better clean each piece of furniture or room. That is why we have written a series of tips and recommendations so that, when mopping, you can do it with much more confidence and security. It is very important to always clean the walls from top to bottom to avoid dirtying areas that you have already checked. Above all, always sweep before dusting furniture for this same reason.

When dealing with rugs, carpets or other types of fabrics more susceptible to damage than conventional floors and walls, it is important to be especially careful and clean stains as soon as they appear so that you do not have to scrub thoroughly or use chemicals on them.

A trick that has helped us a lot is to wrap the brush in a nylon stocking when you are going to sweep. In this way, you will collect all the lint and dust particles in a single pass because the nylon generates electricity static that attracts these particles. To avoid beating yourself up from cleaning all the furniture or all the windows in the same day, what you can do is distribute the tasks during the week. You will not have to dedicate more than five minutes a day to this tedious task.

There are many more tips and tricks that make cleaning the home easier, but we want you to discover them for yourself since what is really important is having the right tools and products so that it is of quality, effective and durable

Ida Taylor: