Is Marko Stout Reinventing the New York Art Market?

marko stout

The high-priced fine art market has been in a slump with many New York galleries closing their doors over the last decade. In fact a 2018 article in The New York Time said the “New York art gallery scene is dead as we know it”. Bot true! One artist has been proving that the New York market is far from dead. The New York artist Marko Stout, whom many are calling the next Andy Warhol, has reported huge sales at his last couple solo Manhattan gallery shows. Additionally, Stout has been drawing very large crowds of young enthusiastic fans with older dealers and collectors taking notice of the artist. Marko Stouts’ fans also include celebrities such as Charlie Sheen, The Kardashians, Justin Bieber, Katie Homes, Katie Couric and Taylor Swift. In videos posted on YourTube Charlie Sheen said “Marko Stout is a freaking genius” and Kaite Couric called Stout an “artist extraordinaire”.

Marko Stout exhibits the same versatility as pop art legend Andy Warhol. Stout, is most famous for his trademark metal urban print work, but also produced acclaimed sculptures and work in video. In fact, earlier this month Marko Stout announced that he will produce the International Art and Film Festival in New York City in 2020. The festival will feature the works of many of today’s hottest emerging and established artists in New York’s top galleries and include the world’s very best in avant-garde and experiment film at various cinematic venues throughout the city. The festival’s movies will highlight filmmaking that rigorously re-evaluates cinematic conventions and explores non-narrative forms and alternatives to traditional narratives or methods of working. In attendance will be prominent international art dealers, collectors, curators, and celebrities, as well as some of the world’s most talented film-makers, producers and directors. 

This New York City artist is making quite the splash in the art industry. The popular art dealer Taylor Cohen said they’ve “not seen this kind of excitement for an opening since Jeff Koon’s retrospective at the Whiney Museum or the Basquiat exhibition.” Furthermore we’ve heard Catilyn Jenner, from ‘Keeping up with the Kardashians,’ talking extensively about the artist while in New York for Fashion Week 2018, saying she was “very excited for Marko Stout’s exhibition, his art is absolutely amazing!”

In addition to the 2020 International Art and Film Festival, Marko Stout will be exhibiting is third collection of his most recent series entitled, “Erotic Allure Volume III”.  Apart from his he also has a huge fan following of renowned celebrities who love taking inspiration and incorporating his artworks into their spaces and dresses. So many pop inspired stars have been loving the art pieces and taken Stout’s painting to their walls as the main piece. His paintings can be seen hanging on the walls of some of the most famous stars including The Kardashians, Holly Madison, RuPaul and a lot of models and drag queens. 

The artist is often compared to the legendary Andy Warhol and is said by many in the art world and media to be the next major pop art icon after him. This is correct in some ways,  just like Warhol would use the silkscreen process, Stout also loves to make use of his model’s photographs as inspiration for him to base his paintings on. Even though Stout has been very clear about his style of pop being his own only. We can agree to this since every work of his isn’t just representing pop art but something totally unique and unpredictable.

Julie McElroy: