JITEN THAKAR – Top Digital Marketing Consultant Shares Impressive SEO Techniques

If you are looking to grow your online presence for your brand or business then it is very important to note that SEO is very vital in this regard. This is because SEO is meant to improve your ranking on search engines like Yahoo, Bing, and Google.

 It is estimated that approximately 3.9 billion internet users and 3.3 billion searches are usually conducted in a single day. This means that it is not easy for you to secure a good ranking. However, if you embrace some of the most commonly ignores SEO techniques, then you can rest assured that your ranking will increase to a great deal. Any business looking to have a successful online presence must employ an excellent SEO strategy. Keep on reading to find out some of the most impressive and effective SEO techniques that are guaranteed to take your online presence to another level.

1. Optimization for mobile browsing

As time has passed by, more and more people are depending on their mobile phones to collect data from the internet. This means that if you want to be visible to more people online, then you must also consider optimizing your website for mobile browsing. This has led to the emergence of various standards that are used for mobile browsing development. Besides being easy on the eye, you should ensure that the site loads faster on mobile devices. This will help avoid people getting frustrated and eventually leaving the site to opt for another one that is faster and smoother to load.

2. Understand your target audience

Before beginning to create your content, it is very important to identify with your target audience in terms of their interests, age, location, among other factors. This will help you generate topics that will target the specific group of people and prevent you from using general topics that might be directed to the wrong audience. Without this, you risk exposing your content to the wrong audience; who might not find it interesting and worth reading; hence failing in your marketing strategies.

3. Create good quality content

For you to attract more people on your website, you must ensure that the content you create is of the highest quality. This means that it should be rich in terms of information delivered and also in terms of grammar. When your content is easy to read and tends to pass across all the required information, you can rest assured that you will grow your online presence exponentially as more people will trust your website for any information relating to your niche.

4. Keep updating and producing new content regularly

It is also advisable to keep creating new content and updating the already existing one with new ideas and topics tailored specifically for your target audience. However, you should put more emphasis on quality rather than quantity. Instead of creating new content every other day, it will be better to create and publish new and quality content on a weekly or monthly basis. For you to make the content as rich as possible, you should go beyond just creating text-based content alone. Some additional illustrations like videos, photos, and animations will go a long way in making your content more interesting and attractive to a wider audience. The idea is to make your content less boring as possible.

5. Embrace social media

Social media is another effective way of connecting with your target audience; hence you should never ignore the power of social media when planning your SEO. Creating a great relationship with your social media followers helps to increase the exposure of your content; making more people relate to your brand through social media. Posting some links on some of the articles on your website will also help increase traffic to the website; hence improving the website’s overall ranking.

6. Research about SEO

One way of coming up with great SEO techniques is by studying SEO to understand how it generally works and how you can keep improving your online ranking with time. This can easily be done online by searching for SEO-related topics like guides to SEO, SEO how to among other topics that will help you learn more about SEO. You can also use YouTube for broadening your SRO knowledge where you will be able to find extensive videos or webinars that will teach you about SEO.

7. Use secure HTTP

You should also ensure that your website is secured by the use of the HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTPS). This has several benefits that include providing your website with the security and privacy it deserves. When you secure the communication between your website and the users, you exponentially reduce any chances of interference or intrusion by third parties. This will also ensure that you gain the trust of your website users and also from web browsers. Using HTTPS also helps in improving your overall website ranking as a result of being trusted by most users. This is because it has been discovered that a lot of websites that switch from HTTP to HTTPS usually receive a boost in their search rankings.

Jiten Thakkar is a top digital marketing consultant & author for a digital marketing book called ‘Marketing Digital Marketing’. He shares amazing digital marketing hacks on his Instagram Page: @iamjitenthakkar  & blogs about digital marketing and growth hacking on https://jitenthakkar.com/

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