Lior Poly: How I Got Rich at 21

Grow your wealth by taking a few tips from internet mogul Lior Poly

Many of us spend the day-to-day slaving away for other people. We take a nine-to-five job to work to pay off our house and car; we slave away from the day-to-day, working for the man until our bodies ache. 

Not Lior Poly. At a young age, he learned the art of coding. By the time he was a teenager, he was working on app development; a few short years later, he moved out of his parent’s home and started on his own.

By the time he was 21, Lior had already made his first million. He had set up his website, made his fortune in marketing, and had bought his own home – a lifestyle most of us can only dream of. How did he do it? Through the power of affiliate marketing…

An Angel Investor in his 20s

Nowadays, Lior spends his days looking for smaller businesses, innovative ideas, and new apps to put his money behind. As an angel investor, he often swoops in and saves businesses from disaster, only to turn them around and release them out into the world again. 

How did he get the funding to do such a thing? He started with his website then turned his eye towards affiliate marketing. He quickly saw that he could make the most money with the least effort if he worked this way.

After hitting that first million, Lior decided to establish himself in the corporate world if he wanted to be taken seriously as an internet entrepreneur. He has set 3 offices in 3 different countries with his business partner and brings work to nearly a hundred employees. 

We asked Lior what his biggest tips were for those that wanted to follow in his footsteps and become an internet millionaire.

(Business) Advice to Make It Big

Lior says that choosing evergreen niches is the best way to make affiliate marketing work for you when you start. Although most advise that new business owners pick a niche nobody else has, for Lior, he says he isn’t afraid of a little competition – and you shouldn’t be either.

“Competition is a sign that the market is doing well. If your niche fits, everyone can make a profit. Hiding from other competitors isn’t a healthy way to operate if you want to do real business.”

According to Lior Poly, you should align your branding with the sector you occupy as closely as possible. Do your market research, develop a brand persona and target your biggest customer demographic. If you can follow these rules, business is no more challenging and no more straightforward than that.Lior writes some of his ideas for Medium, helping others reach their business goals and furthering his reputation simultaneously. His expert takes on the digital world, and his internet expertise establishes him as a name to watch out for in the investment sector. What’s next? You’ll have to follow him on Instagram to find out.

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