Lisa Hocker, The Best-Selling Author of Direct AF Sales

Direct Selling is a type of business model that covers selling products in locations other than a fixed retail establishment. These locations may include social media, or at the door of a customer. As the direct selling approach is increasing year by year, the revenue it generates is also rising. However, more than the majority of entrepreneurs in this business are still part-time workers rather than full-time. 

Lisa Hocker’s entrepreneurial journey started when she wanted to teach the sales method she developed to others. According to her, entrepreneurs often get stuck and struggle with what to do to achieve their goals. At times they don’t have any idea about how to find their way to work to build and revamp their business. As a believer in a strong work ethic, Lisa had taught herself a simple and efficient method of growing a business so that she could refine her daily methods of operation. Thus she wrote and published a book about her method called “Direct AF Sales”.     

The author of Direct AF Sales was neither a writer nor an entrepreneur. She worked as a full-time lawyer while taking care of her four children before starting her direct selling journey. When she first encountered multilevel marketing, a branch of direct selling, she thought it was a scam. However, she realized that it’s a legit business model that has the potential for unlimited income. Therefore, she started working in multilevel marketing as a side business. As she was already working full time in court, she developed a way to work her side hustle by performing only those actions that would result in either someone purchasing her product or joining her team. Within the first 6-8 months, Lisa’s system started working well and she held the position of the biggest recruiter and selling the most products. Her journey took a turn when people around her started becoming curious as to what she was doing that helped her system work so well. She even learnt that the majority of the women she worked with had no system. With so many questions about her system, Lisa started training people including those who were on sideline teams where she didn’t earn any money.   

Taking into account her capability to help others, Lisa started to write a book about how to efficiently work towards building a business. “The goal is to reach everyone who is looking for a way to build their business without fear, confusion or anxiety, or who is looking for a simple efficient system that can be executed daily.” Lisa quotes.   

Julie McElroy: