Luz Rincon is an international traveller, best selling author, successful entrepreneur and a popular speaker

At some point in their life, many people feel like they are stuck in a rut and for some reason they are unable to get themselves out of whatever it is that holds them back. Be it a dead end job or be it living in a city that makes you feel down and disconnected or even toxic relationships. If you are someone who has felt like that, the story of Luz Rincon might help you change your perspective.

Luz is a popular tv host based out of Mexico but that’s not all she is. She is a best selling author, a business woman, a traveller and a motivation to men and women across the globe.

Growing up, Luz had her fair share of struggles which started early on when she left her house at the mere age of 12. She ended up providing for herself and grew up alone while managing to finish her education. Eventually, she got a job working for the government where she would work 12-14 hours a day for three consistent years. Even with the long hours, she didn’t give up but felt like something was missing and so after three years, she quit her job and moved overseas to Canada to have a fresh start.

She moved to Vancouver where she got her certification in English proficiency and gained other life skills that changed her perspective on many things. At one point, she decided that she would focus on her dreams and that she wanted to be independent and work for herself. Since then, she has come a long way. She moved back to Mexico where she got a job as a tv host and in the last thirteen years she has become one of the most prominent figures in her industry. She started her own business, wrote numerous books and pursued her dream of travelling to different places. One of her best selling books is called ‘Changing Minds’ where she inspires people to pursue their dreams instead of holding back. For her various achievements as a successful entrepreneur, Luz has been awarded numerous titles over the years and often does motivational talks for people across the globe.

For Luz, these achievements are a milestone but it’s still a long way away from her goals. She has many plans for the future.

Derek Robins: