Modeling in NYC – Interview With Paula Weckerle

Model Paula Weckerle is now living the lyrics of the famous Frank Sinatra who sang his love for New York, New York. And let’s be frank, Wecklerle, who left a small town, now wakes up in the city that never sleeps and she’s certainly finding her way to fast become the queen of the hill, top of the modeling heap. Her brand new start in New York is now seeing her making it here. It was up to her to make it in New York.

Taking a bite of the Big Apple for anyone, model or not, will either see them chewing the apple or having the apple chew them up and spit them up. Before journeying to the city of bright lights, Paula Weckerle gained experience and skills that would see her demolishing that apple. This experience started when she was 14 years old. Weckerle started modeling in her early teens and took part in modeling competitions. She still remembers placing second place at the John Casablanca’s Contest: Elite Model Look. It was after this that she began her modeling career in earnest, first in San Paulo. After a brief sabbatical from modeling, to focus on her studies in Brazil, Weckerle made the decision to finally move to New York to work as a model. ‘I went straight to New York City’, she explained. And that was four years ago.

You would think a small-town girl who was born in Curitiba, Brazil would be blown over by a big city like New York, but her background, her parents, and her desire prepared her well. “I started life with offerings from multiple cultures. My father is Argentinian and my mother is German. It seems only fitting that I was drawn to one of the largest international cities known for its abundance of diversity.” It was an obvious choice to head for such a fashion mecca. Weckerle now has found a way to obtain regular success in a city full of competition and an industry that requires nothing but excellence.

“In the beginning, to be honest, because New York City is a very competitive market, I very few make it here.” When it comes to modeling, she adds, “However, when you make it, it’s the most incredible thing. New York City is a market that is often misunderstood because those in fashion, those with a modeling career, think it’s focused only on fashion, but I think the NYC modeling world is very open for commercial girls like me. I now have an excellent, wide portfolio of clients in this field.”

She thought the NYC market was only looking for “super skinny or fashion-driven girls.” “I thought I would never make it in the city, but I have since come to find success by finding the right clients for my type of figure and profile.”

Weckerle concludes, “I love New York City! I think it’s the best market in the world.” And it is clear that New York, the fashion mecca of the world, is loving her right back.

Find Paula Weckerle on Instagram @paulaweckerle and keep updated on her NYC moves as she continues to conquer the city of bright lights and enjoy bigger and better success.

Derek Robins: