Professional tips to increase the focus on learning the piano with Saeed Shams, one of the top Iranian musicians

Learning to play the piano is a wonderful task, but it can be prevented by problems due to lack of time and energy.

One of the reasons people abandon the piano is the lack of concentration, which makes them feel unmotivated and distracted from their goal. As a result, students wonder how they can stay focused and motivated while learning to play the piano.

If you are interested in learning the piano but have been distracted in the past, then this post is for you! Here you will find new tips to help you learn the piano effectively. I hope these suggestions help you stay motivated and pursue your dream of becoming a pianist!

Make sure you enjoy your music

Eventually, many students lose their focus because they do not easily find their favorite music interesting and it becomes normal for them. This is a common problem, especially if you have been working on a piece for a long time. Learning to sing music is a challenge, and incorporating a few easy pieces that you really enjoy, instead of being on a hard, heavy piece of classical music, can be helpful because that ‘s what you think you’re going to do. .

If you make sure you incorporate your favorite music into your practice, you will find it much easier to focus on practicing the piano.

Be sure to set a distance and rest

It is a good thing to distance yourself and delay. Really! Practicing rest to refresh your mind and relax your fingers and hands is a proven way to increase your productivity. Focus on one task at a time for 10 minutes or more.

For example, practice your newest piano piece for 10 minutes with your right hand. Set an alarm and at the end of your time, get up and walk around your house, drink a glass of water or do some other activity for about 5 minutes.

Then, when you return, you will be fresh and ready to focus again.

Have realistic goals

A surefire way to lose focus is to set unrealistic goals for yourself. If you think that you’s going to be a piano teacher in a month and want to learn Chopin’s Fantasie Impromptu without learning the C major step, then you are really wrong!

Having small, manageable goals that you can focus on for a short period of time will help you stay focused on the piano and also help you see a bigger picture of your progress as a pianist. Start with a few simple piano songs and then work your way up. Becoming a skilled pianist is like building a big building. It can be scary when you see the end product that takes years.

But, if you look at the programs and focus on getting a little bit of your daily progress, the basis of your learning will be well formed.

Practice at the same time

Another great way to help increase concentration is to practice the piano at the same time every day or every day you practice. If you’re preoccupied with sitting down to practice the piano, then you are likely to lose focus quickly and probably not get what you hoped for.

Identifying the ideal time to practice is very helpful for your progress. Perhaps the best time for you is the first thing in the morning when your mind is fresh from sleep. Or maybe you know the exercise after lunch well and have time. Or you may find the best time to practice the piano the night after dinner or just before bed as a way to help end your day and relieve stress.

I suggest you do not exercise when you are tired or have a serious mental problem. Because that problem or discomfort with practicing the piano is etched in your mind and then when you come to the piano, you remember that problem…

Either way, finding and scheduling the same time for each rehearsal will help you focus and stay fully focused on your piano practice.

Create a positive and appropriate environment

Choosing the right practice environment is very important to ensure that you stay focused while practicing the piano. Be serious about setting up and locating your workout. In this way, you create the most ideal situation for your focus and creativity. Whether you practice in a specific area of ​​the house or just have a small corner, if you take the time to maintain a healthy and organized environment without distractions, you will prepare yourself for success by practicing the piano.

Make a notebook or checklist

A simple way to stay focused and focused on your piano practice over the weeks and months is to keep a simple note or notebook of your own practice. If you keep track of what you practice and when you do, you can keep track of your progress over the long term.

This way you can see all your progress in piano practice. If you can write down your goals in advance, you will be more motivated to work towards your goals. Maybe you have some piano rhythm exercises that you want to speed up or you want to learn a new piece of music, take notes for yourself in order.

You can even write down some quick thoughts about concentration and level of concentration while practicing piano. Did you feel completely focused during the workout? Did you lose focus after 20 minutes? Write these down and then analyze.

If you want to share your progress

Finally, sharing your experience with other pianists is a great way to help inspire your practice and strengthen your focus. Having musician friends to talk about the piano and share tips, tricks and repertoire with them is very useful for your overall progress in piano practice. Ask your friends what they do to help them stay motivated while practicing the piano. You may find some amazing answers! Online piano lessons can also give you an active community of pianists to share!

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