Q&A with the Influencerquipo Best Lifestyle Blogger Of The Year – Nidhi Lad

Nidhi Lad started her fashion blogging career 4years back and till now she is going strong in her feild, Working as a full time medical technician in an hospital, she still takes out time for blogging and makes sure she is regular with posting, It’s the dream come true moment for her by winning the award and she’s now more passionate and focused in taking blogging to next level.

Q1) Is video blogging your profession or just a hobby?
A1) Right now its a hobby, but as its going, soon it will become my profession and i think i can earn my bread and butter from it.Pursuing the creative feild is difficult, as getting secured financialy takes alot of time in it.

Q2) Did you have any professional help or did you create your blog by yourself?
A2) No, i make my own content and sometimes also do shoot by myself when photographer is not available.Giving some new content in every video is difficult but i keep on trying new things, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t. But i am not afraid of trying new things in my videos.

Q3) Have you met anyone interesting/famous on your blogging journey?
A3) I have met few famous bloggers like shetroublemaker, barkhasingh etc and have worked with them. And hopefully in future will meet more.

Q4) How do you motivate yourself to keep the blog up and running?
A4) I don’t motivate myself, its the followers who motivates me. Its the love i get from all my followers and i wanna thank all of them for being with me and motivating me always.Whenever i feel low and sad, i read comments and gets charged up again.

Q5) What was the most challenging moment in your blogging journey so far?
A5) Finding a photographer..ha ha ha..just kidding..people around you sometime push you back on the things you wanna do and it becomes realy difficult to continue with the work without the support, same thing happens with me regularly,but if you’r passionate about your work,you will fight back and will achieve it with or without support.

Q6) Tell me about your proudest achievement?
A6) Till the date the proudest achievement is recieving this award. It feels good that people and industry recognize your talent and boost it by giving awards.

Q7) How do you manage time to run your blog efficiently?
A7) Its very difficult to manage time for blog, as i work as a medical lab technian in a hospital, so taking out time sometimes becomes very difficult, but as blogging is my passion, so somehow i manage.

Q8) Describe how did you first get into blogging?
A8) I never planned it, it just happened. I started uploading the pics and videos for fun on instagram and by god grace slowly i got the the response and its still continuing. Everyday i get up and i just think about a new ways of making videos, new creativity, it’s been 4years and still i feel fresh and new in doing video blogs.

Q9) Do you do brands advertisment on your instagram page? And how do you choose your brands?
A9) yes, i always loves to do advertisment and i am open to more branding and advertisment in the future, what ever brands i choose, i make sure that they are good and comfortable for my followers,as i apply on myself first and make sure they are safe in case of cosmetics and skin products and for other brands i make sure they are reputed in the market and people should have same believe in them.

Q10) what’s your plan for this year 2021 regarding blogging?
A10) I have lots of plans this year..have lots of new ideas which i need to execute and hopefully people can expect some new and different type of content from me this year.

You can follow Nidhi Lad on instagram from the link :-

Derek Robins: