Raanbaazaar Trailer: Tejaswini Pandit and Prajakta Mali’s Web Series

The creators of Raanbaazaar, Marathi diversion’s greatest web series as of late sent off the trailer of the exceptionally expected show. Featuring Tejaswini Pandit, Prajakta Mali, Mohan Agashe, Sachin Khedekar, Mohan Joshi, Makarand Anaspure, Urmilla Kanetkar, Madhuri Pawar, Vaibhav Mangle, Anant Jog and Abhijit Panse among others, the dramatization’s power-pressed storyline follows the hazardous round of force and energy as it will rotate where the dim real factors and governmental issues converge.

Coordinated by Abhijit Panse, Raanbaazaar is introduced via Planet Marathi, Akshay Bardapurkar and created by Ravana Future Productions, Abhijit Panse and Anita Palande. Planet Marathi’s profoundly expected web series will be delivered on Planet Marathi OTT, a Vistas Media Capital organization and will send off week after week episodes beginning May twentieth, 2022.

Rohini Vhadade: