Receiving Google Knowledge Panel (Google Graph) by Dr. Mohammad Zeinali in the field of science and art.

Google Knowledge Panel is a block that you will find on the right side of your page in search results.

You see it for many search engines today. These results show the Google Knowledge Chart, which can act as an engine for finding all kinds of Google data on the web.

This panel usually opens for celebrities or people who have a valid resume on Google.

Creating Google Panel for various people is related to their jobs. For example, for singers, music should be registered on world-renowned websites, for actors or directors, or those who are related to the cinema, a certain and valid resume should be posted on the IMDB website.

But this process Is simple as it, only for these two strata of society, and for other strata, such as doctors, engineers, and so on, this is very difficult and requires passing many qualifications; Because the result of any search can greatly affect the credibility of the Google database.

But this difficulty does not matter much to people who are known around the world.

The increasing achievements of these people have made them different from others, and as a result, these people count as documented and credible factors themselves for the Google search engine.

Dr. Mohammad Zeinali, a genius Iranian inventor and engineer, is one of them.

He has patented more than 15 inventions in various fields of telecommunications, electronics and medical engineering. He then received 3 world gold medals from the Geneva Swiss Patent Competition and a gold statue and a diamond badge from the IUI International Institute, and therefore he’s well known for Patents and Innovation as the most famous and successful young man in the world.

With a Telecommunications PhD in the field of technology, he has created creative and highly efficient designs. Many of these inventions have helped the country’s security in finding drugs and criminals of the Iranian government. He has also succeeded in the field of astronomy. He managed to build a radio telescope and write a book on this subject.

On the other hand, this talented genius man has performed many innovative and educational activities in the field of entrepreneurship and management by receiving the International Doctorate in Business Management (DBA) and Media Management.

Also in this regard, he has written books called Creativity and Ideation and Creating Children’s Creativity.

Recently, he has also aroused everyone’s attention in the fields of art and music. His music is very wealthy and pleasing, and they have been able to gain a lot of popularity among people in a short time.

Undoubtedly, today having a Google knowledge panel allows searchers to ensure the accuracy of the information and content they want, as well as faster and wider access to its main source. This feature specially to influential people like Dr. Mohammad Zeinali will be very useful for others.

From now on, every person can have access to all the information and sources of scientific and artistic activities of this young inventor with just one click.

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