Rhinex Fund Mining Hive

One of the major announcements at the just concluded 2020 Rhinex Fund conference in Singapore was the development and onboarding process of the next generation mining technology called Rhinex Fund Mining Hive. While fielding questions from Journalists Bobby Lee (Chief technical Officer said this will take the company to another mining level)

The Hive comes with An interactive web interface that enables the users to easily set-up, monitor the bitcoin and altcoin mining farm.  It is an execution towards the plan of managing the rigs.

This system is being developed early in order to increase the potential hash power efficiency and energy usage. Through this system, the mining operations set online can be expanded into niche digital operations. Providing a suitable user-friendly interface and experience, Rhinex Hive interacts and engages with the users towards building a profitable Bitcoin Investing experience.

Furthermore, Rhinex Fund Hive was built on the intention to survive the extreme threat of the market conditions, with this, it assists those who want to start earning bitcoin and serves as an overseer to give protection and guidance.

Programmers have built all the necessary features in a single dashboard with herculean filters and smart notifications. Improvements are still in the process, hoping to be more successful and effective for the Rhinex Fund community.

Some of the major announcements include

  • Updates on the latest mining farms
    • Introduction of immersion Decred Mining with higher profit output
    • Restructuring of the Rhinex Board
    • Onboarding video updates
    • Rhinex Fund 2020 Awards
Josh Donohue: