Sean Borg Discusses Male Maintenance, Salt Facials, and the “Bro-tox” Boom

The skincare industry is booming, and over the past decade, more people around the globe are in search of the fountain of youth — of which a large proportion is male.

Unlike ever before, men seem to be confident with coming clean about their beauty regimens and fashion statements. Even in the suburbs, men are finally shaking off that unkempt and disheveled look and investing in face creams, hair gels, luxury barbering, and intimate hair removal.

It’s no longer an embarrassment for males to get facials, fillers, and botox — or nowadays, as it is known widely amongst men — “Bro-tox”!

In modern-day times, more “bros” than ever have been requesting maintenance procedures like laser treatments and teeth bleaching. It has become less taboo for the “all-butch-male” to get themselves primped and pampered at a spa. 

In a recent survey in the U.K, it was reported there was a staggering 66 percent rise in the number of men visiting beauty spas, and that’s just in the last year. 

A clean shave and out the door? Nope, not anymore. The survey suggested that men spend more time in the bathroom than women.

And in the U.S, it is estimated that patients seeking treatments tend to be about 55 percent women and 45 percent men, mostly in their late 30s to mid-’50s.

British lifestyle and travel expert — Trivago guy Sean Borg, who, this year, embraced turning 52, is one of the most recent celebrities discussing this topic publically. 

Sharing his style and beauty secrets with The Daily Scanner, Sean said: “I have a tough time getting older.”

In it, he discusses having wrinkle erasing injections and puts his healthy glow down to deep exfoliating facials. 

Sean Borg in Camouflage cargo pants. “I didn’t understand why people hated this look so much.” Pictures: The Mega Agency

He explains how, now in his fifties, he manages to stay “on fleek” with modern-day fashions and beauty trends. Including a look that was criticized as a fashion faux pas for being too young-a-look, when he stepped out to walk his dogs wearing camouflage cargo pants.

He said: “I have a smart wardrobe, and some pieces are over ten years old or more and still look as new as the day bought them. However, I often ask myself, can I sill wear that and get away with it?”

“I think you can still get away with wearing, say, camouflage pants in your fifties and look good…with the right approach, this is. I didn’t understand why people hated this look so much when I wore them,” Sean said.

Pulling off the youthful look? “Can I sill wear that and get away with it?” Pictures: The Mega Agency

And when it comes to skincare, the handsome Brit’ has discovered the ultimate treatment working wonders for him — The Salt facial. Placing himself in the safe hands of a renowned skin specialist and physician — Dr. Lori Aliksanian, at her top boutique medical aesthetics center — MedBeautyLA, in downtown Los Angeles. 

Dr. Lori is delivering outstanding results to her clients, many of which are men.

He told the №1 Australian magazine website ‘Best in Au’ all about his newfound miracle in skincare, a favorite of some of the biggest stars in Hollywood, including Meryl Streep, Kim Kardashian, Charlize Theron, Jenifer Aniston, and even Robert Downey Jr. and Brad Pitt have gone crazy for The Salt Facial™.

Sean, undergoing The Salt Facial™ treatment at MedBeautyLA

Sean said: “The salt facial is excellent for resurfacing the skin, allowing products to penetrate deeper and allows the full benefit of each product applied to the surface.”

“I have to say, everyone has noticed the difference… so I’m looking forward to seeing the results in full in a few months,” the entertainment personality revealed.

The Salt Facial™ is a medical-grade treatment. It exfoliates the skin with all-natural sea salt and is the ultimate answer to picture-perfect glow.

And the treatment —Sean says, is ‘working wonders’ for him. Looking half his age in a set of paparazzi snaps that emerged online last week, showing a glowing Sean in his early fifties, he says, he hands all the credit to Dr. Aliksanian and Holly Byerly, LE at the top LA clinic.

He told Best in Au: “The treatment is the alternative to going under the knife, so many people have plastic surgery way too young. That’s not even an option for me right now.”

He added: “Dr. Lori specializes in nonsurgical anti-aging procedures, and I feel very safe in her hands. It works well for me.”

The Results: Sean Borg – Before and After The Salt Facial™ at Med Beauty LA

Sean told Verna Magazine: “As we continue to explore the “evolution” of the male grooming boom, the “make-shift” fountain of youth is right in your own home. Your kitchen to be precise. One of the easiest ways to maintain healthy-looking skin is as simple as drinking a glass of water. Drink lots of water, it will replenish your body fluids.”

He continued: “Having a facial once a month, with a proper diet and lots of fluids should do the trick. Consuming less alcohol and regular gym sessions, will absolutely brighten the whites of the eyes and keep you on a healthy path.”

For more information on The Salt Facial™ and other procedures, contact MedBeautyLA

Address: 1100 South Hope Street, Unit 101, Los Angeles, CA 90015 or call +1213.640.4008 Visit: MedBeautyLA

Josh Donohue: