The Backstory on Matt James Hersh of Impact Accelerator

Business coaches assist and guide business owners in starting and scaling businesses by helping them see the bigger picture and move toward their goals faster and more effectively.

We had the pleasure of speaking with Matt James Hersh, a business coach and consultant who helps experts design, launch, and sell high value coaching courses. Matt let us in on his ultimate vision which is, “I believe in a world where every human has the freedom to explore, express, and excel in any facet of life they choose.” Through his program, Impact Accelerator, he helps his clients to align with their vision of the future and helps them create their mission, model, and marketing to develop a high-impact business. He loves what he does and truly feels like he’s built the business of his dreams.

That’s the opposite of where he was four years ago. Matt had just obtained his Masters from Dartmouth College and went on to work for a prestigious corporate consulting company in Boston. There, he helped companies determine their selling strategies and build financial models, but also spent a lot of time on the phone conducting interviews and crunching numbers in spreadsheets. Matt knew that his time in corporate would be a short-term learning experience. During that time, one of the most unexpected but important learnings was internalizing how much he valued his own health, freedom, and how badly he wanted to make a big impact on the world.

Through self-optimization within the rigid constraints of a corporate workweek, Matt founded his first impact platform – a blog called FitInCorporate. As Matt made lifestyle modifications, discovered resources, and developed strategies that significantly enhanced his quality of life, he excitedly shared them in his blog. Matt shortly realized he was ready to leave the corporate workplace behind. He wanted to create a business combining his passion for long-term health and performance, and his skillset of strategy consulting. He then transitioned into the health and fitness realm by signing on for three months of pro-bono work with a fitness company, The Brand X Method. After the three months were up, he became COO of the company. In this role, Matt helped the company secure seed funding, form strategic partnerships, and launch a new suite of products.

He enjoyed this experience, but after a few years, it was time for Matt to pivot directly toward his own vision. He went to a Tony Robbins event to get into alignment, and that’s when everything shifted. He realized that all along he was thinking in career stepping stones and needed to leap into creating his ultimate business in a way that would allow him to live an unlimited life. He wrapped up his story and unique skill set into a program that would help clients overcome the biggest limiters holding them back and achieve the life they wanted to live. Matt’s goal was and is impact – but as he says, “Income is a byproduct of impact,” and he was excited to see his company reach 6-figures in month eleven.

Matt delivers life-changing impact to his clients and leads them to living lives that they love, all while living a life that he loves. We found Matt’s journey inspiring and admire that he stayed true to himself..

Derek Robins: