The difference between greasepaint and makeup in terms of Tahmineh Chizari, a successful Iranian makeup artist

What is the difference between grease paint and makeup?

In makeup, the artist emphasizes correcting the color and glaze of the face and its pattern and model. They change the color of the face or its components or add to its color. But in greasepaint, the artist works on correcting face form and creating angles. 

Different colors are mainly used in makeup, but in greasepaint, the stylist only works with shadows and balances bumps, dents, and angles of the face using light and dark backgrounds. 

For example, dark shadows for eyes with thick eyelashes, dark color for the cheeks, and brightly colored and volumizing lipstick are used in makeup. But in greasepaint, we have nothing to do with all those. But as an example, to create a visual error, we use light shadows to make the smooth surface look convex or concave (sunken). Using these techniques, an exciting face can be created without using thick and dark makeup. 

Main principles of makeup

Makeup is the usual makeup that obeys the fashion and changes over years or even seasons. 

Using cream and foundation: A cream matches the skin color and covers the skin adequately, making it look smooth, and then face powder is wrapped over the foundation. 

Main principals of greasepaint

As mentioned, greasepaint plays with the shadows to create border angles, bumps, or dents. The greasepaint method on each person’s face is different, but the primary principles are the same. In greasepaint, two main methods are used for face creation: Lowlight and Highlight.

In low light, you use a color up to three degrees darker than the skin color to cover areas where you do not want to be seen. But the highlight is used to highlight the desired areas. 

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