The Non-Invasive, Non-Surgical Liposuction Solution: OptiLipo by Dr. Simon Ourian

Looking for the effects of liposuction, without the surgery and invasive procedure? Dr. Simon Ourian’s solution, OptiLipo, is one effective and safe option.

Did you know there are alternatives to traditional liposuction? If you are like many Americans and struggle with love handles and unsightly fat deposits on your hips, thighs, or arms, consider OptiLipo. Continue reading to learn more about this non-surgical liposuction technology. 

What Is OptiLipo?

OptiLipo is a revolutionary breakthrough technology that freezes fat cells. Instead of being surgically removed, freezing fat cells allows the body to eliminate them naturally. Lucky for those near Beverly Hills, this amazing treatment is offered at Dr. Simon Ourian’s clinic, Epione Beverly Hills.

What Are the Advantages of Non-Surgical Liposuction?


While the cost of OptiLipo is dependent on several factors, it’s safe to say that it is a more affordable treatment than traditional liposuction since it can be performed in the clinic without anesthesia. 


Most patients report only mild discomfort if any at all. This liposuction alternative requires no anesthesia or pain medication. With traditional liposuction, bruising, swelling, and soreness are common for weeks after a procedure. 

Procedure Time

With traditional liposuction, several appointments are needed with the doctor before and after the procedure. The procedure itself can take hours. With OptiLipo, you can be in and out of the clinic in less than an hour. 

Recovery Time

It’s common to need four to ten weeks to recover from traditional liposuction. With this non-surgical method, you can return to your regular activities immediately. In fact, many clients can fit it in during their lunch hour with no interruption to their daily routine. 

Am I a Good Candidate for OptiLipo?

It’s important to understand that this liposuction alternative is not designed for the obese. In fact, a good candidate will be at or near their ideal body weight. 

OptiLipo works best for those who struggle with “trouble spots” that they haven’t been able to reduce with diet and exercise alone. 

Who Is Dr. Simon Ourian?

Dr. Simon Ourian has been practicing cosmetic dermatology for more than 20 years at his Beverly Hills clinic, Epione. His client list features an impressive number of A-list celebrities whose jobs depend on their physical appearance.

Dr. Ourian studied art and medicine at UCLA. While practicing cosmetic surgery is his job, Dr. Ourian takes his passion for sculpting just as seriously.

He considers his work at Epione to be the combination of his two passions. Here he studies the aesthetic of the human body while helping men and women improve their appearances.

Currently, he is perhaps the most popular doctor on social media with over 4 million followers combined. He is particularly famous on Instagram: @SimonOurianMD1.

Why Choose Epione Beverly Hills?

Epione Beverly Hills was established by Dr. Simon Ourian in 1998. For more than 20 years, the Epione team has mastered their art of cosmetic dermatology. They seek out the newest technologies and are committed to offering the safest non-surgical procedures to their clients. 

At Epione, you can find OptiLipo as well as Coolbeam and Coolaser technologies. You can also receive Botox treatments, Neustem injections, stretch mark removal, laser skin resurfacing, vein treatments, and more. 

Schedule Your OptiLipo Consultation Today

When you’re ready to take the next step toward a better you, you can rest assured that you are in safe hands with the experts at Epione Beverly Hills. Contact them today to schedule your OptiLipo consultation.

Derek Robins: