The Technology Development in the Wine Industry

There are different technologies that are shaking up the world. These new technologies are changing the way people make and store their wine. Different technologies such as wine cellar management apps are making the wine experience more personalized.

For instance, purchasers now have access to wine recommendation software and cellar management apps such as CellarTracker. Some of the technology developments in the wine industry include the following.

There are New Wine Processing Systems

The main wine processing that many people are familiar with is the use of traditional oak casts. However, more manufacturers want to go the stainless steel way and others are also looking into fibreglass and staves.

This is mainly because these materials can be used in the manipulation of the wine flavours of different wine bottles. These new processing systems are mainly used to boost consistency and produce high-quality wine.

Vineyard Scanners and Thermal Infrared Cameras

The use of drones and scanners are very effective especially if you want to ensure that the grapes are growing correctly and there are no underlying issues. This is very effective as compared to doing this in person.

Using vineyard scanners helps in tracking various aspects such as the flow of nitrogen in the vineyard and the general health of the vine wood among others. thermal infrared cameras are installed in drones to determine the stress levels of the grapes. Some scientists are also working on installing fogger machines into the drones to further help with growing the vineyard.

This is very effective and makes work much easier for the winegrowers since they can easily tell the areas where more water is needed.

Temperature Control in Wine Transportation

Wine needs to be kept at optimal temperatures during transportation so as not to alter its quality. Nowadays, most technologies are working towards ensuring that wine bottles do not overheat during transportation.

This is why the use of insulated food tankers and special cooling systems are commonly used when transporting wine from one place to the other. This is mainly because you want the wine to have the same quality, taste and texture when you reach your destination.

This technology has enabled the wine industry to make wine delivery to different parts of the world without worrying about the wine quality being altered.

Measuring the Rate of Cell Death

Traditionally, predicting harvesting time mainly involved physically going to the vineyard to taste different batches of grapes.

This is very time consuming and expensive since more labour is needed to get this done. In this modern era, everything has changed and the process of predicting harvest time is more sophisticated.

All that is done in miniature oxygen probes are inserted into the grapes to measure the rate of cell death. This helps the winemakers in determining the grapes that can be harvested to make wine.

Therefore, from the above, you can tell that technology has played a huge role in ensuring that the process of winemaking, from checking the grapes, measuring the cell death, making wine to transporting the wine has been made much easier.

Therefore, with new ideas coming to light, more positive development is still expected in the winemaking industry.

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