Tips For Getting Fitted For Work Shoes

Every foot is unique and has 26 bones in it. That is 25% of the entire body’s bone structure. Each foot is different. The combination of the arch length, width, and length are what makes your feet unique. Your footwear specialist at the Orthotic Shop should measure both of your feet. One of them is probably slightly wider or larger than the other one is, so make to try on both shoes to make sure that the fit for the wider or larger of your two feet is comfortable and correct.

Breathing room. It is important for your toes to have enough room to move around since that helps with flexibility and circulation. Safety footwear does not stretch. Therefore, when trying them on you need to make sure there is a 1/2 inch of space between the front cap of the boot or shoe and the tip of the longest toe on your foot. Always stand up and lace the footwear up completely to make sure there is enough toe room. One quick test that you conduct is to push your foot up so that your toes are touching the inside part of the toe cap to see if your fingers can be slipped in the space in the back of your heel. You have a good fit if you are able to do that. 

Breathing room. It is important for your toes to have enough room to move around since that helps with flexibility and circulation. Safety footwear does not stretch. Therefore, when trying them on you need to make sure there is a 1/2 inch of space between the front cap of the boot or shoe and the tip of the longest toe on your foot. Always stand up and lace the footwear up completely to make sure there is enough toe room. One quick test that you conduct is to push your foot up so that your toes are touching the inside part of the toe cap to see if your fingers can be slipped in the space in the back of your heel. You have a good fit if you are able to do that.

Dress for success. Make sure to buy, wear, or bring the thickness and type of socks you will be wearing for work when getting fitted for safety shoes. They can significantly impact the fit and takes the guesswork out of ensuring you get the right fit.

Morning/Afternoon. If possible, try your safety shoes from the Orthotic Shop during the afternoon since standing on your feet all day changes the volume of your foot so you want to make sure your comfort and fit are the same that they would be during the morning when you have a lower foot volume. If you get fitting during the morning, make sure your feet don’t swell during the day. Shoes that are a tight fit at 9 AM are going to be even tighter by 3 PM.

Derek Robins: