What is the best farmers Walk Handles for strength training?

Anyone who is into training both strength and Hypertrophy will at some point be looking to purchase a set of farmers walk handles to Reap the many benefits and stress-stimuli adaptations which occur when regular compound lifts such as the farms carry are included within a periodised training plan. The question then is which farmers walk handles do you buy? As the Lift is such a staple within all types of training programs it has led to many company develop many different types of the farmers handles to ensure everyone is able to incorporate them into their training!!when answering this question there’s a few key factors to first consider, your budget, the space you have to store them and finally the amount that you expect to be lifting with them!

1 – Micro Farmers Handles  – Lift & Press


Number one on this list has to be the Micro Farmers Handles  by Lift & Press as they can’t be beaten on any three of the key points when looking to

 purchase the best farmers walk handles. Don’t be fooled by the name either “Micro Farmers Handles ” as these are by no means lacking in length or girth the name simply refers to the design of the Farmers Handles  as it is much more compact than the original long bar design that is traditionally used within farmers

walk handles. The Micro Farmers Walk Handles  are constructed from heavy gauge 6mm steel and boast

Olympic style pins which are capable of holding 200KG per handle hence with a price tag of £68.99 it is very hard to find a better set of farmers walk handles on the market which is able to offer this level of quality and compact design for the same price!! Hence its not hard to see why the micro farmers handles by lift and Press are definitely our number one choice for anyone looking to get the most for their money and not have to compromise on quality!! 

  • Immense Strength Competition Farmer Handles

The Immense Strength Competition Farmers handles are a much more expensive option coming in at a whopping £220 however you do get some bang for your buck as the handles alone weigh 20kg so you wont even have to load any weight for your warm up set!! Admittedly you will most likely need a gym to store these bad boys however given they are some serious strongman equipment we are gonna take it that anyone who purchases these are some pretty serious athletes wanting to get in some competition prep before competing at an event! Finished in a powder coat traffic orange they are by far the best competition farmers walk handles .

Adjustable Farmers Walk Handles

Coming in at three again is Lift & Press for there very innovative Adjustable Farmers Walk Handles which works with both

1” weights and Olympic size plates using a steel core handle together with stainless steel trig like slides to enable the Farmers Walk Handles to be able to lift up to 200kg per handle whilst also being able to store away in a draw easily after use! The Adjustable Farmers Walk Handles are by far the best option for home gym set ups or even semi commercial group settings where you are singly looking to add Farmers Walk Handles as a means to increase the amount of calories burned when performing such demanding exercises like the farmers walk carry. 

Farmers walk Handles

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