What Is The Point Of Digital Marketing?

Even though even though digital marketers hate to admit this we get asked this question a lot. Far more than we’d like. But the truth is every business owner, entrepreneur or executive has the right to question exactly how their ad dollars are being spent, even if it isn’t that much. Really this isn’t a question only start ups and cash strapped businesses ask. Even the leaders of multinational corporations still struggle to understand and come to terms with the reasons digital marketing is so crucial to their bottomline and why it’s ultimately the cornerstone of their advertising through which everything else permeates.

Digital Marketing is success. Especially when it comes to business.

Let me explain…

New Kid On The Block

Digital marketing hasn’t been here for very long when compared to its counterpart traditional marketing. Traditional marketing saw businesses advertise and promote their products and services in anything from the Sunday paper to the TV in the form of ads and even on highways and byways, in the form of billboards of course.

However, in recent years traditional media has taken a nosedive and with that all forms of traditional marketing and advertising have taken a knock. Leaving room for a new “cool kid” to emerge. That cool kid would be none other than digital marketing.

Power Of Digital Media

If you’ve been around long enough you know that there was a time when people would spend every evening around their TV set enjoying their favorite shows. When infomercials would come on instead of changing the channel, American families would watch in awe as the ad run and the features of the product were displayed. Instantly, parents all over the country were on the phone buying whatever had just been advertised.

This isn’t the case anymore. 

What’s more common is how families might be sitting at the dinner table together enjoying whatever is being served but instead of being interested in each other, each family member can’t seem to get their eyes off their phone. That’s the power of digital. 

Unequalled Brand Interaction

At that very moment a social media or search engine user could be interacting with a brand without evening realizing it.  They’re probably interacting with several. Whether they’re interacting with a brand through a YouTube video, a chat with friends or even scrolling through Amazon or Ebay- they’re taking in information that will later affect their purchasing decisions.
The best part of digital marketing is not that it’s far more cost effective compared to traditional avenues. The best part is that you have control over the conversations people have about your business, and you can direct that conversation so that it benefits your business and ultimately your bottomline. 

Businesses that are making the most from digital marketing are the ones that take digital seriously and can see (without conducting a large scale survey) that digital marketing has by far the most to offer their business. Those that fail to realise this will ultimately lose out.

So what’s the point of digital marketing you ask? If I could sum it up in one sentence… Digital marketing is about growth!

Get In Touch With Us:

If you want to see the effects of digital marketing first hand why not contact us to find out exactly how we can help you make the most of digital marketing to secure unparalleled business success.

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