Why Custom Jewelry Is All the Hype In 2021 According to Jeweler Sean Diamond

Whether it’s rappers and singers in music videos or people walking in the streets every day, one thing is seen very prominently in them and that is custom jewelry. This trend has been around for ages but has grown a lot recently. Sean Diamond, a jeweler from New York City has always been amazed by custom jewelry. He was lucky enough to turn his passion and interest into an actual career at a very young age.

 Sean is at the forefront of this growing trend of custom jewelry as he operated from the world-renowned Diamond District, New York City. It is home to over four thousand jewelry outlets and all of them deal in custom jewelry. Sean Diamond shares what he thinks as the reasons behind the boom in the trend.

“These days everyone is looking for a way to express themselves and look good and unique while doing so. I love making custom jewelry as it brings the vision of my customers to life,” says Sean, bringing light to a connection between individualism and custom jewelry. Having your unique identity is very popular recently. Custom jewelry acts as a contributing factor for people aiming to achieve individualism.

“This is something that the client has dreamt of, and then it becomes tangible,” Sean adds and creates a link between expressionism and custom jewelry. These modern times are all about expressing yourself and what you feel like. It can be seen in the success of things like social media. Things like custom jewelry become understandable now. It is another very eloquent way for people to express themselves, what they feel and what they stand for.

“Each piece made also becomes the benchmark for the next one which makes you better and better. No one gets one piece of custom jewelry and feels like they have enough of it. There is always room for more, which is a complement for the previous one,” says Sean. Here he tells us that custom jewelry is no a one-time thing but much of a progressive hobby. People not tending to stick to a single piece of jewelry once they get their first one shows the satisfaction and self-gratification they get from getting custom jewelry made.

“This is an art form that continues to grow and become more detailed and extravagant. Who has the right to say that custom jewelry is anything less than art.” Adds Sean lastly. In the end, It is undeniable that custom jewelry is a form of art. This trend has all the things necessary to be called an art form. Individualism is there, which makes the wearer stand out in the crowd. Expressionism is there, which portrays what’s going on in the mind of the wearer. Progressive behavior is also an integral aspect of art, as the artist always tries to make more art To complement their previous art.

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