Life & Culture

5 Spots to Visit in the Philadelphia Area

5 Spots to Visit in the Philadelphia Area

When taking a trip out to the eastern side of Pennsylvania, it is hard not to acknowledge the presence of Philadelphia. After all, there are so many historically significant events that took place right in the heart of Philadelphia. Below is a list of places you can go to experience the History of Philadelphia first hand.

Liberty Bell

There are so many historical artifacts found in the city of brotherly love, and one of the coolest and most historical artifacts found In Philadelphia is the Liberty Bell. It is the only tradition that every time you visit this historic city, you get a picture right in front of the Liberty Bell. Seeing one of the most important artifacts in American History up close and personal is surreal.

Geno’s and Pat’s

There is no way that you can go to Philadelphia without trying a genuine Philadelphia cheesesteak, and there are two places in Philadelphia that have been feuding for the crown of best cheesesteak in Philadelphia for years. Those places are Gino’s and Pat’s, and they happen to be right across the street from one another.

So when you get your famous, genuine Philadelphia cheesesteaks, you have to make sure that you get them from Gino’s and Pat’s, and you also have to settle the argument of who makes the best cheesesteak in Philly.

Independence Hall

Yet another staple of Philadelphia comes back to its roots in American History. When you visit Philadelphia, you have to put on your list of things to do, “Visit Independence Hall,” especially if you live in the United States. Seeing firsthand where the founding fathers of your country signed the Declaration of Independence is beyond cool, and you can take that experience with you wherever you go.

Love Statue

The more than famous Love Statue is located in Love Park, and there have been recent renovations done in the entire plaza due to the number of tourists it gets daily. For example, the whole statue was repainted and refinished in 2018, and the park also had some new and cool additions to support the tourists.

The park had gained more greenery and an extremely high-tech water fountain. These additions were made because it is yet another Philadelphia staple to take a picture in front of the Love Statue.

Rocky Steps

If you have never seen the classic film Rocky, where have you been hiding all this time? Rocky is a Philadelphia classic, with Sylvester Stallon playing the lead character of Rocky. However, there is one particular scene in the movie that viewers had latched on to.

During Rocky’s training in the film, he runs the whole way to this large set of steps and then pumps his arms in the air. This scene is iconic, and people come from all over to see these steps, which are located in none other than your city of brotherly love.

The city of Philadelphia is a great place to take a short vacation and see the sights. However, It is not just the amount of cool attractions that make Philadelphia; it is the culture that the people and tourists have created. Once you visit this amazing city, it will have you looking for Philadelphia houses for sale.

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