Life & Culture

How to Go Through the Day After Sleeping Poorly at Night

How to Go Through the Day After Sleeping Poorly at Night

Did you sleep poorly at night? Sleeping badly at night is possible for everyone. Unfortunately, your daily tasks will not wait for you to feel rested, and you will have to go through the day. But, how do you gather up the energy you have to face the day after a rough night? Sometimes you can have a nectar’s quality mattress, cozy beddings, and room but your lifestyle habits cause you to sleep poorly. In this article are tips on how you power through the day after sleeping poorly. 

Avoid relying on sugar

After sleeping poorly, you may feel the need to get a candy bar during the day for some sugar boost. However, it will only give you quick energy, and you will end up crashing later. Instead, consider following a balanced diet and consider eating protein-rich foods like lean meats and nuts. Also, avoid simple carbohydrates and large meals to avoid energy dips. For lunch, you can eat a salad with lean protein. For instance, like veggies with fish for lunch and dinner. 

Do not drive 

You will be feeling drowsy the whole day, and it is best to avoid driving your car. Driving while sleepy is dangerous as it can easily lead to an accident. Thus if you have slept poorly, avoid the road as much as possible. If you cannot take transit or carpool, power nap before you drive. Where there is no way to undo your tiredness, it is best to avoid driving your car for safety’s sake. More importantly, avoid driving early in the afternoon as most people drift at around 1 p.m, and if you are going through sleep deprivation, you take a bigger hit. 

Have caffeine in moderation 

When you need an energy boost, caffeine is a choice of many, but do not overdo it. Just two cups of coffee will keep you alert to do some tasks. If you drink more, it will not make you as alert as you hope. More so, if you are taking caffeinated drinks. Caffeine will not replace a bad night’s sleep. But once in a while, it will increase your focus and attention span. Also, using supplements to stay awake often, could be a sign of a sleep disorder. Notably, stay away from caffeine after 4 p.m to avoid issues of falling asleep at night.

Take breaks  

To keep focused after a bad night’s sleep, take breaks. For instance, go for a walk outdoors and get some sun. Movement stimulates your brain’s alertness and gives your body natural cues that promote wakefulness. As for exercise, keep it light and not vigorous as you are exhausted. If you have time, take a brief nap. A 30-minute nap helps you recharge. If you nap longer, it will only make you drowsier, and you need a nap to boost your energy for at least four hours. Take short naps to reap its benefits and feel better to complete your tasks. 

Simplify your day 

When you do not sleep well, you are not at your best. Therefore, lighten your workload as much as you can. Doing fewer things will be easier for you to do quality work without stressing out much. For instance, if you have five tasks to complete that day. Cut them down to at least three according to priority and focus on doing those well. Also, avoid making any major decisions until you rest well. Take everything a step at a time throughout the day and clock out early if possible.

Sleep in early tonight 

As you hit the hay tonight, sleep earlier instead of being tempted to sleep more. Remember, you need your sleep schedule to get back on track. Returning to your sleep pattern can be hard. If you sleep and wake up at different hours. Sleep in at least an hour or two to rest on how you feel from the previous night, after going back to your sleep routine to follow your schedule. As you do this, concentrate on relaxation and not watching TV and using your phone in bed as this will only make you more tired and keep you alert. 

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