
Jeffrey Holst is Living his ‘Last Life Ever’

Jeffrey Holst is Living his ‘Last Life Ever’

Jeffrey Holst has gone from riches to rags and back again.

Jeff is a recovering attorney who spends his time as a public speaker, podcaster, social media influencer and real estate investor. Jeff graduated early and with honors from Michigan State College of Law where he was the graduating class speaker. He also holds a M.B.A.

At 30 years old, Jeff checked the last item off his personal bucket list by climbing Machu Picchu. He was on top of the world. As he stood looking down at the lost Incan city, he had been living the life of his dreams. He was well traveled, having previously visited the Pyramids in Egypt, climbed to the top of Mt Sinai, swam with sharks in Belize, and backpacked alone around Europe. He married the girl of his dreams.

He had a beautiful house in the suburbs and a thriving law practice. Two weeks later, he was in the hospital dying. His business was in disarray, his wife was barely holding it together and he was on his way to personal bankruptcy.

Today, at 43 years old, just over a decade later, Jeff is back on top. He is a successful investor, with over 250 residential units in his personal portfolio. He also owns multiple commercial properties. He is still married and continues to travel extensively. In February of 2020 Jeff climbed Mt Kilimanjaro and stood at the highest point in Africa. He is the co-host and founder of the Last Life Ever Podcast.

As the original “Last Lifer,” Jeff is passionate about helping people live the best possible version of their lives. He is also the co-host of the Old Fashioned Real Estate Show where the hosts drink bourbon old fashioneds and talk about real estate investing.

For more about Jeff’s amazing story:


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