
Laura K. Inamedinova On Helming a Top Marketing Company

The job of Chief Executive Officer is like no other in the organization. They have to learn at the job and lead a company with all the stakeholders watching – all while taking responsibility of the decisions made by the company’s members. 

Enter Laura K. Inamedinova, 27, the founder & CEO of LKI Consulting. Laura and her Marketing Agency help Clients to find the best marketing solutions that work for B2B companies, crypto projects, VCs & funds, and CEO’s personal brands.

Hi, Laura, we are excited to have a priceless opportunity to have you on our media outlet. Please tell us what major threats do you foresee in the industry?

Threats are external forces that may adversely affect the success of the company. For marketing, the main one is a lack of talent. The industry is in great need of marketers who understand the technology and crypto and can work at such a fast pace. At LKI, we take juniors who don’t know what crypto is, educate them, and give them knowledge of this industry. 

Another major threat in the blockchain industry is censorship and cyber security. The anonymous nature of the system gives rise to criminal activities: the level of security is still lagging behind in many ways and needs to be upgraded. 

What do you think are the biggest challenges your industry faces in the next 5 years?

Technology is a tool to help us accomplish our goals more efficiently, but it’s only as good as those who manage and use it. The technologies are changing so fast that there can be a huge educational and skill gap between those who are in and who are out. As a leader, I need to engage the right talent for the team before they can leverage innovation and emerging technology. Investment in tech talent is an investment in your business goals.

What is the best and worst part of being a CEO?

The best part is, of course, creating your culture and your business as you want. As a boss, you have all the tools and opportunities to make an environment that you are comfortable with. 

The worst thing is bearing the burden of being responsible for everything. I have to be sure people get their salaries, attract new clients, promote the business, and motivate my team. Everyone in the agency has their personal struggles and issues, and I need to find the best solutions to help them, as well. 

How would you define your communication style? Do you prefer to be close to your employees or maintain a healthy distance?

My leadership theory is based on creating an environment where my people can grow and learn. I want my employees not only to hit the performance targets but also to learn from the best in our industry. I prefer to speak with my team directly and honestly. If the stuff is done wrong I say that, if it’s good I admit it openly and praise my team. I try to create an environment where every member of my team can grow as a professional.

What is your leadership philosophy?

The core of my leadership philosophy is the independence of my workers. They need to feel it but also they need to know that they have a team that has their back. I like learning through challenges and letting people try to do the task by themselves without any guidance. After their first attempt, we can work together to find the right solutions. I want my people to be able to operate in a fast-paced environment, pump up their skills, work hard and try to make the best decisions to grow as a person. 

What are some tips you can give to other women who want to grow and become a CEO?

The most important thing is believing in yourself. As a CEO of a 7-digits Marketing Agency LKI Consulting, I know for a fact that true leadership can’t be inherited. It manifests as an internal desire to take charge, grow, and inspire others. Form your own opinion and don’t be afraid to voice it, even if it clashes with what others think. Have a greater purpose and set a course for people to follow. Authentic leaders see a broader picture and work toward a big goal that solves a problem instead of feeding their own ego. Take ownership and claim responsibility that comes with being a leader, care for those who follow you, act as a role model, give your peers credit, and thank them for the work they do. 

The stakes are too high for a CEO to lead without clarity, consistency, and commitment. Today, Laura K. Inamedinova shared her business philosophy and principles for managing the company. And we thank her for opening up about her leadership framework. 

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