Fashion is the dominant style in a particular culture and a particular time. In fact, fashion refers to the common and popular ways of dressing in a certain time or period. The fashion industry is currently dealing with dominant styles. What is fashionable in one month or season of the year is no longer fashionable in the next month or season, and its expiration date disappears. In other words, the sudden change in taste of most people in a fashion community. Fashion houses host fashion shows to highlight clothes that express a vision for the future of fashion.

Style refers to a person’s specific way of expressing himself. This method can be related to writing style, clothing or even architecture. In the world of fashion, style, which stands for “personal style”, is a way in which a person chooses a hairstyle or dress based on his taste and aesthetic sense and combines various accessories, accessories and clothes. . Each person chooses his style according to the rules and frameworks of his life. In fact, each person’s style reflects his personality, way of thinking and taste, and for this reason, having a personal style is very important for people. Some of the personal styles can be classic, casual, minimal and. Styles.
The main difference between fashion and style is that style depends on the taste and style of an individual and fashion depends on the taste and style of a society. In style, a person’s personal taste and how one chooses is influential, but in fashion, it is the society, designers and wholesalers who choose what is fashionable and the majority to wear it. Of course, the line between fashion and style is very narrow. For example, consider a model who wears a designer’s dress to follow the fashion, but combines it with other clothes to her liking.