
Analysis of the Iranian music market with prominent musician and singer Kian Kabiri

Analysis of the Iranian music market with prominent musician and singer Kian Kabiri

Mr. Kabiri, how do you see the Iranian music market?

In my opinion, it is very weak

And few singers can produce great music

And only the works that are produced are produced with the purpose of earning income

Trend literally means trend.  This reform comes from the world of fashion and has entered the field of digital marketing for some time.  A trend in the world of fashion means a new trend that is seen a lot in a certain period of time.  A trend in the fashion world has a longer lifespan than a trend in cyberspace and may last for a season.  The difference between fashion and trend is that this trend is being introduced and if it is accepted, it may become fashionable and popular, but fashion is currently introduced, popular and popular.  Trend is a stage before fashion and it can be considered as a tool to create fashion that is used in this context.

The trend in cyberspace also means inclusiveness.  For example, a topic becomes very popular on Instagram in a period of time and becomes a trend, so to speak.  On Twitter, tweets or topics that are relevant to a large number of users in a specific context in a specific time frame, such as a day, are called trends.  Trends in cyberspace quickly expire and give way to other trends.

There is also popular music these days, often the music released by advertisers and bloggers is more popular among users.

Do you think popular music will last?

No, it is only given at a specific time and the excitement will soon disappear

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